All these men need are some strong padlocks, and we will be all set.
Pictures above from Mr S, Serious Male Bondage, Bound Gods, Straight Hell (now Breederfuckers) and various other sites.
For rappelling, or other activities.
I don’t know why, but seeing these guys and this gear gets me crazy excited.
Somebody got a mysterious email from these guys that they are re-launching their site? I have not heard anything about it myself, but it is a great excuse to show this picture:
He can lock me up, anytime!
I recently blogged about Cell Block Wine. Now, check out Blindfold and The Prisoner — two more wines, bottled by The Prisoner Wine Company of Napa Valley:
The Prisoner Wine Company website is here.
Thanks to Metalbond reader Greer for passing this along!
This picture is from the escape artist Spencer Horsman’s Instagram page:
Fucking HOT if you ask me! Thanks to Metalbond reader Chris for passing this one along.
Imagine wearing these chains for a whole weekend or even a week. Maybe all summer on a work farm.