Tag Archives: pics from the net

Anybody want to buy an empty jail or prison?


I did not know this, but the number of incarcerated persons in this country is falling and apparently you can now purchase one of many abandoned facilities and use it for private purposes. That’s right, all you need is a dollar and a dream!

This phenomenon was documented in an article in last week’s Wall Street Journal.

Similar articles are available here and here.

You can also stay in this jail cell in Brooklyn as part of an art project.


Here are more images of jails and prisons (and what happens in them):

MetalbondNYC_jail_03 MetalbondNYC_jail_04 MetalbondNYC_jail_07 MetalbondNYC_jail_09 MetalbondNYC_jail_11


Thanks to Bob aka “Cuffed Buddy,” RH of Mencomix and Fossil9 for helping me compile the information above.