Monthly Archives: April 2017
Tough guys in bondage
Collars and the men who are locked in them
Metalbond A to Z: WTF
For the letter W, this posting is called “WTF” — as in what the fuck is going on here?
Fuck if I know
Free video preview from Bondagezine
Check out these screen shots of porn star Seth Santoro in “Duty Bound” at Master Jack’s site Bondagezine. (Hint: If you click on either of the images directly below, you can watch a free video preview.)
This is one of many videos available from Master Jack over at Bondagezine — a site with lots of pictures, stories, streaming content and much more. You can also order DVDs to be shipped to you. Master Jack has been online for more than 20 years now. He specializes in REAL bondage content featuring REAL MEN who are REALLY INTO BONDAGE. Fucking hot if you ask me. Check him out.
Click for Bondagezine
Also check out Master Jack’s other site, Bondagemaster
By Rubrpig
Sean sighed in relief as it was finally the end of the day after a very trying day at work. Since it was Friday he would have a couple of days to relax, have some fun at the Eagle and enjoy himself. Things were getting tense at work with the rumours of an impending take-over and the resulting downsizing that always occurred when companies merged.
After getting his Dainese jacket from the lockers provided by the company along with his boots, helmet and gloves he walked out to the parking lot and got on his BMW 1200. Looking forward to the evening at the Eagle he headed home to his condo.
After having dinner, showering and deciding since it was Gear Night at the Eagle he would wear his racing leathers and boots. Taking his black, blue, and white Alpinestar Race Replica suit from the closet he climbed into it after putting on his compression gear. He would not wear the chest and back protectors as they might interfere with the fun he hoped he would have at the club. After putting on his Sidi Race boots he picked up his helmet and gloves, he tucked his ID, drivers licence, some cash and a credit card into wrist wallet and put that on. Heading down to the garage, he got on his bike, fired the engine and headed to the club.