All posts by Metal

Bondage through hypnosis

Thanks to the inspiration of Marknorth and others, I have been more and more intrigued lately by the concept of bondage without restraints, and that reminded me of a session I had a while back with Neil the Erotic Hypnotist. Check him out:

Neil the Erotic Hypnotist

After reading about this guy on Ben in Leather Land, Bob Wingate and a couple other websites, I became interested in seeing what it would be like to be put in bondage through the use of hypnosis. I must admit, even after reading about this, that I was a bit skeptical. In fact, my impression of hypnosis up to that point was that it was all a bunch of hocus-pocus, and that it would never work on me.

However, the whole idea did seem rather exciting, perhaps even little bit dangerous, and so my curiosity won out. I contacted Neil, and after a few emails back and forth I set up a session with him. Immediately upon meeting him, I was put at ease by his personality and his demeanor. He’s also a rather good-looking guy, which was a definite plus.

We met in a third-party location, a rented room equipped with a couch and a massage table. We began with a simple discussion of some of my interests — specifically, to experience a feeling of being controlled and restrained. Then Neil started to explain to me what we would be doing and how it would work.

The basic concept, Neil explained, is for the subject to enter a deeply relaxing state under coaching, so that the hypnotist could then verbally implant suggestions or “triggers” in my subconscious mind that would elicit a specific behavior later on.  He explained to me the difference between the conscious and the subconscious parts of the brain. The conscious mind is where all rational thought takes place, while the subconscious mind is about habits and things we (i.e. our conscious minds) see as doing on “auto-pilot.” These can be quite complex, like driving, or like locking the door when you leave your apartment. Hypnotic suggestions to the subconscious mind can cause the subject to later do things without thinking about them. (Come to think of it, I can’t tell you how many times I have left my apartment, only to wonder later whether I had remembered to lock the door on my way out. I have no memory of doing this, yet I do it every time. That is my subconscious mind at work.)

The trick with hypnosis is to tap into the subconscious part of the mind, and to do that the subject has to let go temporarily of the conscious mind. It was all about learning to relax, and so he had me lie back on the couch as he talked me through it. The relaxations exercises were fantastic, and for me they were erotically charged as well. He had me imagine I was resting on a sandy beach while listening to the waves lap peacefully against the shore, or he had me walk quietly down a long staircase into a room with a bed, where I could rest and relax. With every passing minute, I felt more and more relaxed. It was all about letting go of all my tension, all my worries, and going deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation. And it worked. (In fact, if we had done nothing more than this relaxation exercise, I would have left a very happy man.)

He had me “go under” four or five times in total, and in each instance I went deeper and deeper into this state of relaxation. And each time he implanted into my subconscious several “triggers” when I was under, that he later used to elicit certain responses or actions from me.

One of the triggers was that when he made a specific gesture with one of his hands, that I would remove an article of clothing. And sure enough, upon my waking up, he made this gesture and I actually did start to remove my clothes. Before long I was totally naked. How did he do that? Did I take off my clothes because I was under hypnosis? Or because I really wanted to get naked in front of him? Perhaps a little of both? I am not sure.

He had me go under a few more times, and he implanted more triggers. One of them was that when he touched my body in a certain location, that I would immediately place my hands behind my back as if they were tied tightly together. And sure enough, after he had me wake up again, he used this trigger to “restrain” my hands behind my back. He kept me like that for quite a while. And while that feeling of skepticism remained in the back of my head, I really did keep my hands behind my back until he later used another trigger to release me. He also used a few other triggers on me, including one that turned me into a statue, and another that made me very horny — a feeling, in fact, that lasted for several days and weeks.

Do I think that I really was hypnotized, or that I kept my hands behind my back on purpose? It is an interesting question, isn’t it?

When I departed Neil’s presence later in the evening, I left with a feeling of excitement, and also one of deep relaxation. He told me I would sleep very well that night (another benefit of the relaxation techniques he used), and I did. Mostly I felt exhilarated after having had this new experience.

Later, Neil reminded me that the conscious mind doesn’t understand the subconscious mind or the process of hypnosis, so it has a tendency to rationalize things, like “I just wanted to take my clothes off,” “it was hot in the room” or “I just didn’t feel like moving my arms,” etc.  That’s perhaps why I still had doubts later, he said, as to whether I was really hypnotized or just playing along.

Was I glad I had visited Neil? Absolutely. For me, it was an interesting way of experiencing a different form of bondage and control.

To learn more about Neil, visit his website by clicking here.

How to lock your cock and make it SECURE

Hey prisoners,

As you know, I am fascinated by things that LOCK.

And when it comes to chastity, there is nothing better than a device that has a serious locking mechanism. Like the Carrera. Lately I have been quite intrigued by the this particular device, and so I asked a ccontrol, a reader of this blog who is familiar with both the older and newer models, to describe the actual locking mechanism.

The pictures and information below is from ccontrol.



How the LOCK for the new Carrera chastity device works

By ccontrol

The old belt is built around an Abus brass padlock. A slide knob above the lock is for releasing the tangs after the lock is unlocked. A push tab on top secures the tangs and locks the padlock. The teeth are hidden inside the front panel, and the tangs have simple knobs on them that are engaged by the teeth.

The new belt is built around an Abus Diskus lock. There is a similar slide knob, but it doesn’t do the same thing. Instead, you put it in the up position to be able to turn the key, and you put it in the down position to be able to move the tangs in and out. The teeth are on the tangs, making the new belt seem even more like a giant handcuff than the old one.

Much like a handcuff, the new tang ratchets in. With the old belt, the tang is inserted and then engaged with the hidden teeth by feel. You can count step down the slope of teeth until you get the fit you want. With both belts, the teeth give you some adjustability.

On the new belt, there are short levers in the insertion slot, just below where the tangs go in. These must be pushed upward to disengage the tangs for removal, after you have unlocked the lock.

You can see on the old pics where the key is inserted vertically into the bottom of he padlock:

To make it into this recess, Walter had to trim one side off of the head of each key. This confined area means that the key can’t be on a keyring when you are unlocking the belt — and not having the key on a ring makes it easier to lose (I only lost one of my two keys, LOL). The new key goes straight in and can therefore be left on a ring. On the other hand, it can’t be removed while the lock is unlocked. This is a minor detail, but it means that you can’t send someone the belt to lock themselves into without them also having the key (for example).

The old belt has a flat steel strap in back. It has 5 holes drilled in the top where it attaches to the back of the belt, so it can be adjusted for size.  The new belt has a coated steel cable instead of the strap. It also has 5 holes on the end tab for adjustability.

The new belt is curved downward along is top edge to accommodate a bit of belly. However, the whole front part is a little taller on the new belt, so is more likely to dig in to those of us who aren’t perfectly flat in front:

You can’t see them in the pics, but there are drain/vent holes on the underside of the tube. They are of course too small to allow for any stimulation … and there’s no big gaps to bulge through like there are on CBX000 or Curve devices.

On the inside pic you can see a screw hold in the base of the cable. This is for attaching an oval plate with a slot in it. An optional butt plug has a metal bolt that engages with the slot. The slot means that the plug will be in the right position to line up with your hole, but it is not removable while the belt is on.

These things are the Rolls Royces of chastity belts. I saved up for years to afford them, and they’re worth the price and the pain of waiting for them to arrive, and the time spent bending them to make them fit, etc.


Metalbond would like to thank ccontrol for the information and pictures above.

Pictures from IML

One of the more impressive displays in the vendor mart at IML — year in and year out — is that of Mr S, and these guys were kind enough to post literally HUNDREDS OF PICTURES from in and around their booth this year. These pictures include the likes of Ruff, Van Darkholme of Bound Gods, Richard Hunter, guys in Carrara chastity belts, and much more.

Here are some of the shots I found especially interesting:

01_web web-3 web-6 web-7 web-8 web-9

Click for Mr S

Chuck is subjected to chain gang style labor

Inmate Chuck spent a few days at the infamous BlackSteel Correctional Facility run by Yossie, where he was required to sleep in a cold cement jail cell at night and shovel rock and fill pot holes during the day — all while wearing a set of heavy steel “five-way” shackles (neck, wrists, ankles), which were RIVITED-ON.

Much more pictures of this, plus video, are available at Serious Male Bondage.

Stick your cock in THIS if you dare

“ccontrol” send the pictures and information (below) of his Carrara chastity device:

Hey Metalbond!

Love the site. Here are a few pics of the newer Carrara belt design with the new locking mechanism and the new, coated cable in back.

The front of mine is flatter below the locking mechanism than the one you posted pictures of a few days ago. This is not because of the new design. It’s because of the tube size. My 4-year-old Carrara belt is also flat in front. I was bummed when it arrived and it didn’t have the bulge, because I think it looks better the other way. On the other hand, I have it on good authority from Walter and a few other people that the belt is most effective at orgasm prevention if the tube is the absolute smallest you can coax your dick into.



Metalbond would like to thank ccontrol for the pictures and information.

IML weekend

I bet there are a lot of bondage guys at IML this weekend!

I sure wish I were in Chicago right now … but I have to miss all the fun because I am in Montreal for work. I’ll miss the vendor mart, the lobby, the parties — and of course the endless stream of hot leather-clad men. Even if I am in the men’s room waiting to take a piss, I always look FIRST at the guy with the gray hanky in his back pocket.


And for me, another thing I always enjoy about IML is the BOOTS. That’s right. I can’t keep my eyes off a hot man in a great pair of boots.

Did I ever mention that I competed in the boot black contest at IML? This was way back in 1998 and 1999. I came in second place both years. When I was polishing a hot guy’s boots one year, I was interviewed by Cole Tucker for a video they were making. I never saw the video, but someone I know saw me in it.

I am also in this book with a picture taken with the other bootblacks from 1998.


Page 171. They spelled my name wrong in the article.

I don’t bootblack in public anymore, but I still have all the gear — the polish, the rags, the brushes, the director’s chair and the stirrups.

If you are at IML this weekend, be sure to get your boots polished, and be sure to give the bootblack a big tip!