Category Archives: Story

Close Calls With Self-Bondage When I Was a Teenager

By Bind

I have had several close calls with self bondage.  It is a very dangerous activity.  Here are four times when I was a teenager when I nearly killed myself by accident, or caused serious damage to myself.


Story 1:  The Dog Chain


We owned the stupidest dog in the world.  It was completely un-trainable.  It couldn’t even learn “sit.”  Every time anyone went into the back yard the dog jumped all over them and sniffed their crotch.

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By Mortice Deadlock

Chapter 1

I had been planning this experience for several weeks, and if it was half as horny as the planning, it would be an incredible time.

I had been wearing my chastity belt for the last week, constantly horny about what was going to happen, but helpless to do anything about it. The belt was tight around my waist and had a secure shield over my cock, preventing any stimulation. I had occasionally been using the secure butt plug fitting of the belt, going out for the day with the large plug locked in and the keys at home, in training for my experience.

Continue reading Encased

Redneck Justice – The Punishment Cage

By Chained Muscle

Story by slavelabor, artwork by GaryRo

The thugs untied Jason from the wooden frame and quickly reattached the heavy metal shackles to his wrists and ankles.  The chain attaching his wrists hung across his broad muscular shoulders.  The longed haired thug who Jason now knew as Junior and was obviously Virgil’s son marched him from the shed into a field at the edge of the road running by Virgil’s farm.

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Be Careful What You Wish For

By Aqualaguy

After I’d written my story “Conversion”, which was a fantasy piece where I was transformed from a human into a human urinal by S c o t t  C a a n and a number of other anonymous men in wetsuits, I was approached by a loyal reader of the Metalbond blog. (He has requested that I keep him anonymous, so I will respect that.  You will understand why by the time you reach the end of this story. For literary purposes, I will simply call him KH.)

Continue reading Be Careful What You Wish For

My Week Locked Up in a U.S. Marshal’s Holding Cell

By Bind

I like all forms of bondage. I have very diverse interests, but my favorite kind of bondage is imprisonment that lasts for days. I have a severe prison fixation that I have had to keep under control. In addition to the prison fantasy, I like role plays where I get to become a convicted felon with no freedom or rights, locked up in a cell.  It is a kind of escape from reality being someone who is not like me, playing the bad guy.  I had done some prison scenes lasting up to three days, but I wanted a longer time in lock up.

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Rainy Days in Oregon: Zac’s 21st Birthday

By John Strickland

an excerpt

Zac wrenched ineffectually in his straitjacket. His skills as an escape artist would do him no good in that maximum security prison restraint.

He didn’t know whether to find help or to hide. He just stood there bewildered for a while, his bare feet cold on the damp sidewalk.

A car went by. It didn’t even slow down. No-one in that car had noticed his plight.

Continue reading Rainy Days in Oregon: Zac’s 21st Birthday

The Device Part 3

By Marknorth

Part 3

Intellectually, I knew that I shouldn’t have posted those pathetic, pleading messages on the site.  Emotionally, however, I had no choice.  I needed my freedom back.  The chastity in and of itself was almost tolerable; but his nearly sadistic control was not.  My life was no longer my own.  Every little misstep I made was punished – sometimes to the point of brutality.

Continue reading The Device Part 3

Saturday Down on the Fetish Farm: A true adventure by Spike aka Teesskin

By Spike aka Teesskin

Most folk who know me will tell you I’m a decent sort of guy, very open-minded with a good sense of humor and a taste for the fetish and kink. They will also tell you I love my bondage to be extremely hardcore and heavy and lasting hours, sometimes days, not minutes, and there’s hardly ever room for sex or sexual play, so before I tell you about a recent Saturday afternoon at a friend’s farm, let me first say it’s a pleasure to be now in touch with METALBOND and to share a recent weekend session with you all via his blog.

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