Category Archives: Story

My adventures With Billy – Part 03

By Robmacz

I woke to the sound of clanging. Billy was running his baton over the bars.

‘Good morning, inmate,’ he said as I opened my eyes. ‘Just to let you know—if you’d like a trip to the courthouse, Mike will represent you. He has business there this morning and he said he’ll make sure he takes care of you. Now what’s it gonna be?’

I told him I would go to court.

‘Good boy. I don’t think you’ll regret it. I saw last night how hard you got when I cuffed you, and you’ll have plenty more jewelry to go to court in. I go off duty in a few minutes, but I’ll be in touch real soon. You’ve got a lotta juice there, and I want it all for me.’

I went back to my bed, but I couldn’t go to sleep. A couple of hours later one of the other cops brought around some food and some bad coffee.  About half an hour later he returned carrying chains.

‘Put your hands through the slot,’ he ordered.

Continue reading My adventures With Billy – Part 03

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 10

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 10: Another Tour Has Been Arranged for You

I hadn’t been given anything to eat or drink, unless you think St. Bevons Mineral Water is a drink.  I guess the idea was to make me easier to break down under questioning—though pretty soon I realized that the “questions” were just accusations that I would not be permitted to deny.  It all showed that I was getting off pretty easy with a nolo contendere.

So that was over, and things were looking up, because just when I realized that I was famished, a man in a white uniform unlocked the door of the room where they were keeping me and handed me some food.  It was a ham sandwich and a glass of mixed juice.  I wondered if these were products of Dominion Fields.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 10

My adventures With Billy – Part 02

By Robmacz

‘Just go along with what I tell you, but don’t let anyone know that you know me, okay?’

‘Sure,’ I said.

He parked the car and stepped out, walked around to the back, and opened the rear door to get me out. He took me by the arm and helped to lift me past the door.  ‘Mind your head.’ Once I was on solid ground he led me by the arm to a door where he used another code and let us in. There was a desk ahead with a grille on it and some seats to the side with a guy sitting down handcuffed to a rail in front of him. Billy told me to turn around and he unlocked one of my cuffs.  Then he told me to take a seat and cuffed me to the rail next to the other guy. He walked into the back office and I sat there for what seemed like ages. All the while my dick was throbbing.

The other guy cuffed to the rail was younger than me, good looking, but a bit out of sorts. He said nothing and after a few minutes another cop came out and uncuffed him from the rail, then cuffed his hands behind his back and led him through the door where Billy had gone through a few minutes before.

Continue reading My adventures With Billy – Part 02

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 09

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 9:  A Slight Change of Plans

While I was at breakfast—very early, very light–the hotel slaps came to my room and picked up my bags.  I didn’t need to do anything to get them from there to the back of the limo.  The only things I had to carry were the real estate leaflets I’d picked up from the concierge.  There were lots of glossy pictures of “elegant Wellingtons” and “baroque Bee hives,” each with “intimate facilities for family, grand space for entertainment, and bountiful St. Bevons gardens.  Barracks for 5-10 staff.”  The prices were not unreasonable, especially considering the current exchange rate.

When the airport slap opened the door of the limo, I had nothing to do except walk through security; the slappies would see that my bags got through.  It all happened so smoothly, I didn’t think about the backpack until I got to the boarding area.  I guess that’s where you usually remember stuff you forgot.  It would be ridiculous to go back to the hotel to turn the thing in—and who cared about it anyway?  Besides, I didn’t really know where it was.  Probably the hotel slappies had found it in the room and shipped it to the airport along with the other bags.  It was silly, but I had that uneasy feeling I got whenever I thought I’d lost something.  The item might not be important, but loss of control was always disturbing.  It was a tendency I’d been trying to conquer.  The only thing to do was just ignore the “problem.”  I sat near my gate, reading about St, Bevons properties and ignoring the stupid backpack.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 09

My adventures With Billy – Part 01

By Robmacz

‘Your problem is that you have not allowed yourself to have any fun since you split up with John,’ Mike said in his usual direct way, but as usual he was spot on.

‘You’re right and to be honest, I’ve been thinking of packing the job in and doing some travelling. I need something new in my life right now. I need to get away from here.’

‘Look Paul, you can do that by all means, but what you really need is some sex. How many guys have you been with since John?’

I just looked at him, not knowing what to say.

‘Well, has there been anyone, or have you just devoted yourself to that job you constantly tell me you hate?’

‘You’re right,’ I said. ‘To be honest, after being with the same person for twelve years it’s bloody hard to know how or where to start. It’s all right for you; you have that whole effortless charm thing going on.  It’s a bit more difficult for the rest of us.’

Continue reading My adventures With Billy – Part 01

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 08

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 8: Nothing Is Perfect

At the hotel, a nice lunch in the King George Grill, a long nap, another good meal in the Oak Room, and many occasions to consider, while sloshing the liquids in my glass, what it might be like to live here.  And there were a couple of entertaining events.

Cedric, my busboy at dinner, was a slappie I didn’t remember seeing before.  His distinctive attire told me why.  Instead of the standard brown slappie cap, he wore a white, fez-like piece of headgear imprinted with SERVANT IN TRAINING in large black letters.  It was like one of those dunce caps you see in cartoons.  Which was appropriate.  The guy fumbled and bumbled and finally, rushing to clear my table for the dessert course, fell over his boots in a crash of plates and glasses.  Everyone looked up, shocked at the breach of discipline.  A waiter strode out of the kitchen, followed by two large slappies.  The slappies picked up the dishes; the waiter grabbed Servant in Training by the ear and pulled him out of the room.  The guests smiled appreciatively: the King George knew how to handle these things.  The slappie would get the lesson it needed.  After all, it was 40 years old!  Obviously, old enough to know better.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 08

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 07

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 7: Investing Is Easier Than You Think

The tea and scones were served on a table in the Major’s office, by a young white slappie who did his work deftly and silently.  I always hate it when waiters insist on talking with you.  Once they know what you want, they should bring it and go away.  But this slappie had been well trained.

The Major took some time to discuss the possibility of what he called “a business connection”—the investment idea again—and presented me with a colorful brochure entitled “The Profits of Penology.”  I complimented its appearance and said that I would welcome the opportunity to obtain more information.  He complemented my discernment and we exchanged cards.

That part was a bore, but on the whole it was a pleasant conversation.  The curtains were drawn back, revealing the pretty vines, hung with blossoms, that trailed around the bars outside the window.  Rays of sunlight warmed the room, awakening the incandescent blue of the Major’s uniform, turning the slappie’s necklace into a flash of silver and his short blond hair into a cap of gold.  It was good to see slappies in short sleeves again.  This one had the slightest, most delicate covering of hair on his arms . . . .   If this was life on St. Bevons, maybe it was worth an investment.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 07

The Tank – Part 02

By Rubrig

Nick slowly woke up and tried to stretch, but he soon realised he was still chained down to the bunk at the Dive Centre.  He really wanted to stretch, but the chains held him tightly in place on the bunk.  He looked around, and then the door opened. The Boss walked in.  He was wearing a pair of dark blue coveralls with the logo of the Dive Company on the left breast and heavy steel-toed work boots.  The boots thudded on the wooden floor as he walked over to the bunk.  Nick looked up and asked if he could get released so he could go to the bathroom.  The Boss nodded and leaned down and pulled the light blanket off Nick and unlocked the leather cuffs holding Nick to the bunk.

After Nick got cleaned up, they left the Dive Centre and headed to a nearby diner for breakfast.  The Boss told him to eat a big meal as he would not have the ability to eat again till evening.  Nick assumed that meant he would be going back into the dive tank and left there.  He nodded and looked over at the Boss and felt his cock arouse.  The short grey crew cut, the muscles, and the general build really got to him.

Continue reading The Tank – Part 02