The above photo illustration was posted at I Want To Break Free
The Spider Man
By Mister-X / Spartan
“Mike, the reason I wanted to see you is because we have a problem in one of the larger cities in the “Bible Belt.” A bar owner whose clientele comprises of mainly gay men has told us that 5 of his clientele have disappeared after leaving his bar. The local police don’t seem to care that the men have disappeared, and even seem to be glad of it. The bar owner suspects that they may have had something to do with it.
NYPD vs the Eagle Bar
Apparently the NYPD paid a visit to the Eagle bar in NYC last night, right around the time the same sex marriage legislation was being voted on. To read the article on the NY Times website, click HERE.
Readers of Metalbond blog sound off
Here are some comments I have received recently from blog readers:
I’ve always been massively into bondage, and your site has definitely led to me trying a few specific things. Me and my boyfriend tend to top each other, and your site has given me loads of inspiration in regard to what I’ve done to him!
I’m reading your blog almost daily. It is very good, the best I have seen on the internet. Keep up the good work!
Sure you get swamped by these sorts of messages, but I just thought I’d say how much I enjoy your site … and your profile on Recon of course. It’s inspired plenty of my own adventures, in fact reading entries on there pretty much led to my current thirst for chastity!
Keep up the good work!
Oh fuck that’s hot … locked in, locked out, locked up, locked down … whatever you want in you can’t get in and whatever you want out of you can’t get out of … unless you got the keys … otherwise you’re just fucked.
My chastity keyholder has a rule for me about blogs while i’m locked up … once i’m sent to one, i gotta go through ALL the posts.
I have never once entered your blog without getting turned on … big time! How do you keep up the excellent work day after day?
Take care and THANK YOU for helping to maintain my fantasy life (I’ve got a real one too, but, though it involves play as top and bottom, I love the stimulation ) .
hey, MetalbondNYC Sir–
just a quick note to say thanks for Your site. as evidenced by the list of links on the side of Your page (and others’ pages), there are a lot of sites out there for guys who share our interests. but Your site has easily become the one i check first, multiple times a day.
as a bondage/kink sub in a relationship with a vanilla guy, i’m often on the hunt for good bondage content online…and i devour every single post on Your site.
just locked myself into my cb3000 for a few days — and yet again, i check Your site and it drives me insane. In a good way.
Dude, you and I have some wicked fantasies! I wish we were closer because somehow I get the feeling that you wouldn’t flake out on me when it came to locking a piss hood on my head. Somehow, with you, I just get the feeling that I would truly become a urinal.
And my balls would also feel the effects.
Slick It Up
I love the bondage-y creations of that hottie Dave Mason of SlickItUp
He’s also got a pretty cool blog called House of Vader (as in Darth)
Bike Trip – Parts 3 and 4
By Catdude
Part 3
The back of that bike is probably the most zen like moment I have ever experienced, the roar of the bike translating up though the plug, the darkness that surrounded me having to grip the figure in front of me, feeling a hard body under the supple soft feel of leather. The sensation of rubber clinging to my body as the heat built up.
Iron belt
Check out the email I got from a friend of mine (posted here with the permission of both the participants):
Hey, Metal –
I wanted to tell you about an experience I had last weekend while visiting my friend Yossie. As you know, he is a blacksmith and metalworker, and likes making his own Irons which he enjoys riveting onto his prisoners.
He has been talking about making me an Iron Belt for some time; something he can use to fasten me into my cell (as if it was really needed. Total Bondage Overkill!)
Anyway, he took me to his workshop and fitted a flexible copper tubing around my waist which took on the basic shape; he was able to remove it while holding the shape of my waist. He then placed it on a piece of paper on the floor and traced around it. Now, the paper had a template for my waist.
Next, Yossie cut two strips of metal from one long piece of strapping. He then used a special metal bending device to mold it into shape. It took a long time, and many tries always checking against the template, but eventually he had bent the strips into halves of an infernal Iron Belt fitted totally to my body!
Then came the welding of the hinge. Pop! – Hissss! He fired up his torch, and fused a hinge into one end of the Belt. Next, he welded on some tabs which will eventually hold two rivets. Then he drilled the holes in the tabs. After cooling the whole thing down, he tried it on me for size. It fit – well, like it was MADE for me! He secured it with a padlock (rivets are for more long term) and I wore it the rest of the afternoon.
Fucking HOT if you ask me! I hope next time you get the rivets and stay in it for days or weeks!
Gagging Orders
By PrisonerX
Part 1
It was that time of year again. The long winter had passed and as spring was moving towards summer, Sandro knew it was time for his motorbike to have its annual service.
His thoughts turned to the first time he had taken his bike to the motorcycle centre which was about 80km from the city in which he lived. That was a weekend he would never forget.