Metalbond locks another dude’s cock in chastity when he’s in a cage

Tonight (Wednesday) I had the opportunity to use a chastity device  on a NEW play buddy, a guy I just met two weekends ago at the Eagle. So … after I chained this dude by the neck into my cage, I ordered him to beat off without any lube:

After he shot his load on the floor of my cage, I told him I he was not getting released until he put on the chastity device. It took him a while to work his cock and balls through, and it took a bit of coaching and coaxing on my part, but eventually he managed to lock up his junk:

I kept him chained by the neck inside the cage as he inserted his balls and cock into the chastity device:

You may notice in these pictures that we used a plastic numbered lock, not the regular brass lock that came with the device itself. This is because my new bondage buddy has travel plans this coming weekend that will involve him going through airport security, and this plastic numbered lock won’t set off the metal detectors:

That’s right, he is heading out of town for the weekend to play with a serious BDSM top. In anticipation of the trip, this Top Man has ordered that my friend refrain from beating off from midnight tonight. So, thanks to the new cock cage and numbered lock — note that it is No. 081072 — we will be able to verify that his cock will be locked up for the next 48 hours at least. Perhaps longer if Top Man keeps him locked after he gets there. Here are some pictures of my bondage buddy before I sent him on his way (unfortunately I had to take the large chain and padlock off his neck):

This cell will hold you for a long time

Yes, this jail cell is for real. Get locked in here and you are not going anywhere, perhaps for a very log time.

I know this because I have personally spent many long weekends locked in this very cell. Really. Sometimes bolted to rings in the wall or floor. Sometimes left in total darkness. Once or twice with other prisoners, even. It was in this cell that I was once kept totally naked and locked in darbies-style handcuffs, behind my back, for 26 hours nonstop (which is a whole other story in and of itself).

The cell shown here is one of several owned and operated by Harold Cox, who was recently profiled by Serious Male Bondage. To find out more about Harold and his rather interesting tastes, click here.

To learn more about the Serious Male Bondage website, click here.

Richard Hunter says I am a wimp

Hey fellas, I know a lot of you have been wondering whatever happened with my new Punisher cock cage from Mr S. The one I had promised the owner of Mr S, Richard Hunter, that I would wear for 48 hours nonstop:

The Punisher Cock cage

Well I can’t lie to Richard, and I can’t lie to you, the readers of Metalbond. Here’s the truth: I failed miserably. I know, I know, this is a terrible admission to make. Here I am running a blog about all different forms of lockup, including locking devices for men’s penises — and I can’t even handle having my own cock locked away for two days. Sad, but true. The fact is, I simply could not handle the pain associated with wearing the Punisher device.

Here’s the text of the email I sent to Richard explaining the situation:

Hi Richard,

I hate to tell you this but I must be honest with you. I only lasted about 15 minutes in the Punisher. It was the spikes. I could not take that much pain on the head of my cock. I am so sorry — because I had promised you I would stay in it for 48 hours. The spikes actually left little red “nail marks” in the head of my cock for some time — and in fact I am still feeling the “pain memory” from the spikes. This surprises me, because when I felt inside the device with my finger those spikes seemed rather harmless.

I did, however, find the rest of the device very interesting. It was a little tricky to get it on, but I followed your instructions and took my time and it worked just fine. I liked the feel of the silicone material around my cock and balls, and I also liked the way the whole thing locked together. I also liked the way the device looked when I had it on.

Anyway, I feel terrible about this but I just can’t wear it, and I can’t lie to you and say I did.

What I would like to do with the Punisher, if you agree, is to get one of my friends to wear it. He lives here in NYC and he is a huge CBT freak. Will that be OK? He’ll allow me to take pictures while he’s wearing it.

Again, I apologize for being such a wimp with the cock cage,


It only took Richard about 15 minutes to reply:

Dear Metal,

You are a wimp — 15 Minutes — that’s it! — 15 minutes — Of course they left little red dents in your cock head — that’s what they are supposed to do — that’s why we called it the “Punisher”! It won’t break the skin — just annoy the piss out of you — They are harmless — physically.

You should have been tied up for about 6 hours so you couldn’t have taken it off and then you would have HAD to deal with it — maybe a few cries or tears. OK, you certainly can let your friend try it and see how he does with it — At some point though — you should put it back on and maybe have a nice drink or two and cuff your hands behind your back and then connect the new time lock to your cuffs, so you’ll be there for about 2 hours and not be able to take it off. You should be able to at least get 2 hours wearing it — 15 minutes — that’s what you get for probably getting hard while you were wearing it. Bad dog — No biscuit!

How about putting that Punisher back on and then sucking a big old hot cock while you’re wearing it — that will make you rock hard and hurt like hell, which will just make you suck that cock in your mouth all the more, making you even harder — I love it when tears roll down the guy’s eyes while he’s sucking my cock.

I’ll have to send you some more pictures to look at the next time you get that locked on you — 15 minutes — geeezzzz!


So there it is — an email smackdown from Richard Hunter. It’s enough to make me want to hang up my handcuffs in shame. I’m going to try again with a cock cage, however — this time with the Trainer device:

This one is the exact same design as the Punisher, except without the spikes. I just ordered it, and I WILL wear this one. Since it doesn’t have painful spikes I should be all set.

ALL chastity devices currently available from Mr S here

Waiting for Ross – End Game – Part 2

Written by an anonymous friend of Metalbond

Part 2

Tim’s body jerked suddenly, overtaken by a sensation of falling. Sightless within a tight rubber hood, Tim strained to see through it. His efforts produced a weird, omniscient vision in his mind. Watching himself from above while embodying the experience below, he saw and felt the movement as he shifted uncomfortably off balance, forced to bend at the waist, trying not to tip further forward.

Continue reading Waiting for Ross – End Game – Part 2

The Pit: A Story by CREUSS


stories by CREUSSWhere am I?

What happened?

I have no idea…

I open my eyes, but it only comes to total darkness.

I try to remember what happened before…

I can’t…

Later, may be hours later, some tiny bits come back to my mind.

I am a soldier. I ‘ve been serving for 5 years now…

We were on a night leave, having some fun in a café, drinking much…

There was a battle in the café, and we fought against civilians.

Suddenly, I remember I fell on the table, probably hit and drunk.

Then, nothing…

I try to explore how I am, as I can’t see at all.

I am naked, totally naked…

My hands are shackled, I can feel heavy metal rings at my wrists. They are chained to the wall, but leave me some movement. My legs are bound too, with metal rings too, and chains. So is my neck…

I am bound to this wall, so I can’t move that much, just enough to be slightly more comfortable, if comfort is existing here…

Continue reading The Pit: A Story by CREUSS

The Moat


stories by CREUSSThis time, after a few stories, I am back to a true story…

I was in the army, as I explained before… There is no reason to waste time to tell you about my army life…

Anyway, we were into a “commando course,” something quite hard, but rather interesting… Quite a challenge.

I won’t let you know why, but for any reason, I have done something wrong that awarded me to be punished.

As it was not really possible to be withdrawn from the course, the punishment had to be quick and efficient, to impress me and the rest of the squad.

Among the possibilities of the course, there was what we call “une Tyrolienne”. The English call that a toggle rope, I think (but I am not 100% sure of the translation).

From the top tower of the fort, it was possible to slide along the rope, down to the moat. We used to hold us with a special rope to grip both hands on each side of the rope. The bent of the rope could make the speed quite fast…

Continue reading The Moat