The Bamboo Cage


stories by CREUSSWe were settled in a remote island, far from our base…

This island was quite isolated, and a desert… Actually we were the only ones on this island, a group of 25 legionnaires, 3 NCOs and an Officer.

We were here to be protect a wide area of sea… Don’t ask details, it was “Secret Défense”…

Days were boring. We had 2 shifts of 12 hours…

A team of 3 was on duty at the top of the hills, where you can have a large view at sea…

Another team of 3 was patrolling up and down the island…

Others were either resting, either working on the settlement for food, laundry, etc…

When not on duty, we were able to go at sea, and swim… it was a paradise on earth for the sightseeing, but it was boring days after days…

Continue reading The Bamboo Cage

Agenda Q magazine

A friend of mine who was in Paris recently sent me these scanned-in pictures from Agenda Q magazine. He pointed out that Metalbond was featured in this publication’s listings of bondage websites to check out.

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For those who don’t know French, here is what they say about Metalbond:

“This bondage enthusiast seems also to have a penchant for uniforms. Well I’m not going to be the first to throw a stone…”


Thanks for the good press, Agenda Q!


And FUCK YES I do love men in uniforms! Especially if they use chains or cuffs to overpower and dominate!

Happened Last Night

By Erik of Roids and Rants

I enter the apartment. The bathroom is right next to the entrance like they told me, and after shedding my shoes and overcoat I enter the bathroom and strip. I was told to bring my Slick It Up hood with me, the tight black one with only a hole for the mouth, and once I’m naked I pull it on. The last thing I see is myself in the whole-length mirror, my dick already swaying hard, face a little anxious but excited.

Continue reading Happened Last Night

Comments from readers

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve really been enjoying your blog. How do you find the time to keep it updated so regularly? And with such hot material! It’s become one of my all-time favorite sex sites.

—New York City


Loving the blog. I check it out every day for a morning hard-on.

—Los Angeles


You told me you were working on a blog … I just found it, it’s great! Absolute great work man. Looking at your cage pics … ’til this day, I haven’t realized that fantasy of being held “hostage” in a cage, chained to it. One day I will!

—Ottawa, Canada


Your site … it’s just what I like. Learned about such things when I lived in the Village back in 1958-61. (Yes, I’m an antique!) Friends then showed me the use of ball padlocks, etc. Hence my name “Locknut” on various sites today. We really needed chastity devices then, but had to make do. Now I’m in a device made by Mature Metal.  Can’t get enough of it.  Your site is a real turn-on when one can’t do anything about it for weeks on end. Thanks for putting so much there.

—via the Internet


Your site is on my “must check” list every day — and it almost ALWAYS makes me hard! Great combination of pics, stories and the twisted shit that I really get into! Outstanding piece of work — Thank You!

—via the Internet


Hey there — I just read your friend’s continuation of Waiting for Ross … can’t wait for more.

—New Jersey


Hi there … love your blog … LOVED the story “Waiting For Ross.” … didn’t know that early part of the story … hehe.



Wow. I just found your blog a few days ago. It is OUTSTANDING. Thanks for sharing it! Really great. Loved the PIT story.



i am a regular visitor of your bondage website … wish i could be where you are and be your bondage captive.



Your Houdini Halloween blog entry was so cute and sweet, and actually brought a bit of a tear to my eye.

—Reno, Nevada


I think your message to Houdini on your blog is one of the hottest things I’ve read in a while — hope you get a good sexy dream out of it. The photo you posted of him bent over with the multitude of fetters, cuffs, chains and locks was probably my favorite masturbation material when I was 12.

—New York City


Just wanted to say i spent several hours this weekend enjoying Your website. Incredible! Great pics, great stories! WOW! You have spent a lot of time building a first class website. THANKS!



i have just read your blog … amazing … it would be so great to change with the heroes of your stories.



Love some of the photos of you at Alcatraz. Hot!

Best from Japan,

men in chains



Part 1

stories by CREUSSI was enjoying spending a couple of hours, on weekends, at my local café… Not for drinking, but for the company… It was a nice friendly place, where some legionnaires used to come and have a drink too!

Not a noisy place, or somewhere they were drinking too much, but a place where they used to come and have a rest.

Actually, it was not a “bar à soldats”, where they were most of the customers, as they exist around stations, or barracks, but a place where they sometimes come, where they expect to be no more than “normal” customers…

As a matter of fact, weeks after weeks, it became obvious that most of the soldiers here were regular customers, and actually, they were quite a few to come… probably no more than 15 from the local barracks… but every week-end, 3 to 5 were always here…

I started to get used to see them after a few months, and they were used to the locals too! But they did not mix with the public easily…

Continue reading Deserter

POW For Training…


stories by CREUSSHere they are…

Three men, captured…

They are not proper prisoners. Just soldiers like me, but from another company, captured a few hours earlier just for this mock battle…

They are sitting on the ground, back to a tree.

If they had no handcuffs in their back, around the tree, to prevent them to leave their place, we could think they are just resting for a while.

I am exhausted…

It is our fifth day in the countryside, fighting for training.

I’m still OK, but I haven’t properly slept for five days (and nights). No problem, it is always like that… it is part of the training…

I look at them, and notice they look quiet, peaceful and actually, they are sleeping. Lucky them!

Continue reading POW For Training…

Maui prison


When I was in Hawaii recently I visited the Hale Pa’ahao prison on Maui. It was quite different from Alcatraz.  Much more relaxed.  It’s on the West Maui town of Lahaina, down a side street off the main drag where all the tourist shops are. It was interesting to see such a quaint, pleasant building — and of course they have a big palm tree out in front.  The outer walls are made of coral.

With all the whaling going on there in the 1850s, apparently they needed a place to lock up the rowdy sailors who had too much to drink.  But conditions weren’t very harsh at all, and the offenses for which you could get locked up for were relatively minor.  About the worst thing you could get in trouble for was “disturbing the quiet of the night” or “lascivious conduct.”

The prison rules were relatively mild as well. But check out Rule No. 14 … now THAT one sounds interesting!

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Tying the knot

Do you like to tie knots? I sure do! But you know that.

I am not only interested in the literal kind of knots involving rope, but also the figurative kind. That’s right, I’m talking marriage. Tying the knot. Entering into wedlock. The old ball and chain. Conjugal bonds. You get the idea.

This week I attended the wedding of my good friends Alan and Dave. They happen to live in one of the few states where same-sex couples are able to marry.

Unfortunately, most gays and lesbians in this country are not allowed to marry under the laws of the states in which they happen to reside. Even worse, federal legislation enacted by the U.S Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996 bars any federal recognition of same-sex marriage and prevents any of the legal rights afforded to opposite-sex married couples from being granted to same-sex partners.

That means same-sex couples in long-term, committed relationships have to have to jump through all sorts of legal hoops for things like signing up for each other’s health insurance.  If you are a same-sex couple who wants to file a joint federal tax return – even in a state where same-sex marriage is not illegal — you’re out of luck. And don’t even think of leaving your Social Security benefits — which you have worked your whole life to accrue — to one another when one of you dies. What we have is anti-gay discrimination. And it is wrong.

EVERYONE should have the right to TIE THE KNOT.

gay bondage

Congratulations, Alan and Dave, on your marriage! I am so happy for you both, and I am completely 100% supportive of you and of your civil rights.