Tag Archives: Club Inferno Dungeon

You’re In No Position to Negotiate – Part 01

By nyc49

I’ve been tied up by Charlie a few times, and I’ve been trying to get together with Ted for years – we both seem to know what gets the other excited, but we had never managed to find a time when we could both be free. Also, neither of us hosts, so this has been tricky to arrange. Charlie and Ted both live near each other in New Jersey, so I finally figured out that I could get all three of us together for some bondage fun.

Ted picked me up at the train station in Trenton. Ted had told me that his protocol is that I need to hand over all my clothing as soon as I enter the house, so as soon as the door was shut, I was instructed to strip, and he took my clothes away. I’m always a little worried that my host would have left some curtains open, but from what I could tell, I was safe – I’m not into sharing my bondage fantasies with the general public, I’m not into getting humiliated, and I don’t think it’s OK to bring “civilians” into our games.

We played for a few hours with Charlie’s excellent collection of toys, many of which lock and/or otherwise can’t be removed. The evening progressed through the usual steps of me getting more and more immobilized in his basement, and finally I was given some release. I’m skipping over some details, because that wasn’t really the point of this story. At the end of the evening, I was spent, tired and naked.

Continue reading You’re In No Position to Negotiate – Part 01

New Years Resolution – Part 05

By lthr_jock

As PJ crossed the room toward Paul, he stripped off his bike jacket and gloves to reveal a tight form-fitting black lycra t-shirt underneath which showed off his impressive torso. Paul gurgled something unintelligible into the gag and tried to stand up.


The single word from PJ froze him in place – back arched displaying his cock, one arm behind him, the other inches away from where he had just been stroking himself. Desperately, he tried to move as PJ approached, and found himself completely unable to. He tried to shout but could emit nothing more than a low moan.

PJ crouched down in front of him.

“Very nice. Very nice, indeed.” He reached forward and gently stroked the inside of Paul’s muscular thighs. “Have you got all the pictures you wanted, Chuck?” He grinned as Chuck affirmed that he had   “Oh good. Time for some fun then.”

Continue reading New Years Resolution – Part 05

Bondage Fantasy World – Part 3

By Mister –X  Spartan

I didn’t sleep much that night from the worry.  The normal morning routine was again followed, and I soon found myself back in the outer office of Hans.  “Ze next, and last, phase requires being taken to yet anosser room.”  I was once again marched into the maximum security part of the prison while effectively naked, but with restraints.  This time I did not have the blindfold on, so I could see into the other cells.

Continue reading Bondage Fantasy World – Part 3