Here are some more shots of Neill at Dream Boy Bondage:
And here’s another FREE video preview (this one looks GREAT in full-screen mode, too!):
Click for Dream Boy Bondage
Here are some more shots of Neill at Dream Boy Bondage:
And here’s another FREE video preview (this one looks GREAT in full-screen mode, too!):
Click for Dream Boy Bondage
Check out these pictures of Tomas in an inverted suspension, from the Dream Boy Bondage site:
And here is a free video preview from this scene — and I suggest that you click the lower right hand button in the player to make this play in “full screen” mode (recommended):
I’m really blown away by the quality of work being put out these days by Dream Boy Bondage, as well as their related site, Roped Studs. Not only is the bondage fucking awesome, in my opinion, but the quality of the pictures and hi-def video is unsurpassed. Not to mention the models are smoking hot! Where do they FIND these guys, anyway?
Check out this one from Dream Boy Bondage
And here’s a free video preview:
Click for Dream Boy Bondage
By Nitro
Today is just a regular day for me – after work I headed straight for the gym. It’s pretty much an addiction for me, but I can’t help it. I love being big and muscular, and I love the looks on guys faces when they see me strutting my stuff.
Name here is Ian – and at 6’0” tall and 220 lbs. I’m definitely on the big and muscular side. I really get off on the pumped feeling I get at the gym, but I’m not gonna lie, I love the attention I get from it too.
Damon takes it like a man at Dream Boy Bondage — link in the sidebar to the right.
You can also find an ad pointing directly to Dream Boy Bondage on the Metalbond Links page. Or click here.
Hey Damon, if you are reading this blog, send me an email!
By Mister-X / Spartan
I got almost no sleep that night. The realization that Raoul now had carte blanche to do to me whatever he wanted to do was enough to keep me awake all night. I wasn’t in as difficult a position as Joe had put me in for the past month, so that wasn’t a problem.
Continue reading Another Bondage Fantasy World Client — Part 4
Today’s crucifixion pictures are from Bound Gods, Madeira Desouza and Dream Boy Bondage, among other sites. I do not know the provenance of the selfie by Jesus himself. You can find a banner ad linking directly to Dream Boy Bondage on the Metalbond Links tab. (Please do not send me any religious fundamentalist hate mail.) Or click here.