Tag Archives: handcuffs
Atlanta Stud shows off his guns
… while handcuffed and wearing a Metalbond handcuff T with the sleeves cut off.
Those of you who have the new Metalbond T-shirts, please send me some pictures!
Thanks to Atlanta Stud for the picture, and for his great stories in the Prison Library!
The man with the golden handcuffs
… and just about every other kind of handcuffs. He recently put me in a pair of rare bracelets from Germany, the only pair of its kind in the United States.
You can learn more about this man over at Serious Male Bondage Journal — they posted a lengthy article complete with pictures and video.
I am honored to count Harold among my personal friends.
Detained by MPs
An online buddy from D.C. sent me the following true story a while back:
I can remember overhearing some guys from the Pentagon on the Metro a few years ago. The officer said that one of his guys had been detained by the MPs and put in handcuffs for safety (yeah, I never bought that ‘This is for your safety’ BS line they use when you get cuffed). Anyway, the officer was just pissed because when they were ready to let this guy go, the MP that arrested him was off duty. Based on what he said that they had to wait for that MP to come back since no one else’s handcuff keys could let him out. I assumed he had used the high-security model. The officer was just pissed that they weren’t used a standard key. He felt bad his guy had to wait for this MP to come back to the Pentagon. While I could understand his position (he was stuck waiting, too) still pretty hot that some MPs are using high security cuffs. Now, just imagine that MP wearing mirrored sunglasses with a nice HnT haircut, too. Yep, lock me up bud.
There is nothing better than high-security cuffs, if you ask me!
Heavy-duty, high-security handcuff belt
ABondageSub gets cuffed
Abused by the prison doctor
Meanwhile at CMNM.net, Kasper has been acting out and is one step away from being locked up in solitary confinement. He sneers and insults his captors but knows he must obey or else his prison life will be hell. Stripped down, the pervy doctor and guard take advantage of their power, groping his big full balls, heavy dick and inhaling the aroma of that tight asshole he’s managed to protect from the other prisoners.
Come and meet Metalbond at Folsom Street East 2014
I’ll be taking a table at this year’s Folsom Street East, so come by and say hello to me in person on Sunday, June 22!
Folsom Street East is
Sunday, June 22, 2014
11 am – 4 pm
West 27th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues
The Suggested Donation is $10, with proceeds going to charity.
I’ll be there with some special friends, passing out free handcuff T-shirts in two different designs (pictured), and doing some handcuffing demonstrations and some other fun stuff. (If you’re interested in helping with this, let me know!)
For general information on this street fair, click for the official Folsom Street East website. They also need volunteers to help run the event.