Check out these construction pictures of Bind’s under-floor cell:
Title: DIY Bondage Projects
Bind’s site is located at Men in Chains
Check out these construction pictures of Bind’s under-floor cell:
Title: DIY Bondage Projects
Bind’s site is located at Men in Chains
Mick from E-Stim Systems shows off his company’s ElectroHelix:
Click for E-Stim Systems
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This Saturday, July 20, 2024, in New York City, you can break out your trunks and tanks for a summery session of KnottyNY! No, they don’t have a pool, but you can still dress for the beach.
Attend KnottyNY if you want to learn some rope skills, or simply connect with other like-minded guys. If you are just starting your rope journey, they have a 101 section teaching the basics.
Click for KnottyNY
Knotty New York is a rope bondage social specifically for gay men. Their focus is to create a safe and educational space to learn, practice, and network within the rope world, making bondage more accessible and less intimidating. All levels are welcome, whether it’s your first time tying or have some experience. Those just looking to be tied are also welcomed.
Click for Knotty NY
Also follow them on Twitter/X
Available from E-Stim Systems, the E-Stim Connect, allows you quick, easy, and secure remote control of an E-Stim Systems 2B over the Internet via a simple program and a web browser. Simply plug a 2B into a PC or Mac, run E-Stim Connect, and then share the secure and unique connection key with your partner — anywhere in the world. As long as they have a device with Internet access, from a PC to a mobile phone, iPhone to Android, Tablet to Mac, they can control your 2B from the comfort of their device, anywhere, anytime!
Shop for this and much more at E-Stim Systems
Bonus for Metalbond readers:
Use code “METALBOND” to save 10 percent on your order*
*Offer is good for one time only
POW of POW’s Fiction – Gay S&M Stories sent the information and pictures below, about how he was inspired to build his very own pillory, and how he pulled it off! See below:
I never paid much attention to pillories. But then one made an appearance in A Left Turn at Albuquerque – Part 07, and it caught my eye. Trying to avoid giving away any spoilers, this (heavily edited) exchange takes place:
Jailer: “How are you holding up in that thing?”
Prisoner: “It’s not comfortable.”
Jailer: “It’s not supposed to be.”
Followed by:
Prisoner: “Can you let me out of this thing?”
Jailer: “Of course I can. But I’m not going to. Under our rules, badly behaved convicts have to be in the pillory for at least five hours.”
That fed right into something that is one of my core interest areas: long-term bondage with some sort of discomfort. Since I don’t know anyone who has a pillory, I decided to build one. Here’s the result:
For the record, I am in no way a competent woodworker or craftsman, but nevertheless I’m pleased with how it turned out. If I could build this, I think almost anyone could. Very little skill required, just make sure you take adequate safety precautions.
A typical pillory rests on a supporting stand. That was more complicated than I cared to attempt, but I had a good alternative: hang it from the steel beam running across my basement ceiling, and attach the sides to the support pillars that hold the beam up. The point is: The essential part of a pillory is the two separable wooden bars with half-holes in each for neck and wrists. Everything else is variable and you can adapt to suit whatever circumstances you have.
Note that whatever support you use, remember to fix only the bottom part of the pillory in place so the top part is free to move.
Measurements are given in inches and feet because that’s what’s available in my local hardware store. Convert to centimeters as needed at 1 inch = 2.5 cm.
Mark all measurements before drilling anything.
I considered applying some sort of stain or sealant but decided I prefer the look and feel of raw wood. If you do want to apply something, this is the time to do it.
If you plan to use this with a partner, you’re done. The wing nuts on the threaded rods will be enough to lock the upper board against the lower one. The prisoner won’t be able to untwist them and set himself free, although the rods are tantalizingly close to his fingers and he will be tempted to try to reach them. He won’t be able to, though it will be fun to watch until he gives up.
If you want to use this for solo play, you’ll need a different way to hold the boards together. Make metal brackets to do the job.
My metal strip came with pre-punched holes all along the center. If yours didn’t, you’ll need to drill a half-inch-diameter hole to fit over the threaded rod.
To use, put your neck into the neck hole but leave your wrists free. Fit each bracket over one of the threaded rods. Lift the top board slightly, just enough to get your wrists in place without dislodging the brackets, then lower the board back down. You should then be able to clamp the brackets into the locked position. Reason for this sequence: it’s difficult to fit the brackets onto the threaded rods with neck and wrists all placed in their holes; much easier to do it with free hands.
Making bends that are more than 90 degrees means that when they’re in place, the brackets apply up-and-down pressure to the two boards and hold them firmly together. That pressure also ensures that the brackets won’t slip loose until you deliberately remove them.
Your setup may vary, but mine works like this. I suspended chains from the overhead beam using S-hooks.
Those chains hold up the pillory using the mounting bolts. Then straps go through the wrist holes and down to the base of the posts that support the overhead beam.
I cranked those straps down tight, and the pillory was fixed in position in up/down and left/right directions. Not shown: I tied the front mounting bolts to the wall studs in front, and the back bolts to a heavy table behind. That fixed the thing in all three dimensions so it could not move or tilt more than half an inch in any direction.
Again, if you’re a more talented woodworker than I am, you can create a support post and feet for your pillory. This version worked well enough for me. The pillory was fixed firmly enough that during my testing I couldn’t budge it; it held me exactly in position no matter how I struggled.
Important safety note, applicable to any self-bondage situation: plan and test and have multiple escape routes. Some people like to use timers or ice locks; I prefer to have an instant out available in case of emergency. House fire, sudden medical issue, whatever the reason, I want to be able to get free quickly when necessary. But within that constraint, I like the bondage to be real and secure. Using the metal brackets as locks meets those criteria. The locks are flush against the wood and easily reachable when needed but otherwise out of the way. Also, releasing either one is enough to get completely free — if my right hand were to go numb for some reason, I could open the left lock, get the left hand out, then reach under and release the right lock.
I ran a bunch of short test scenarios until I was confident everything was working as designed. I even did an hour-long trial run without using the locks just to see how my body would react. It went well. After that I was feeling like I could go considerably longer so I planned a test for real.
I decided on a three-hour sentence. Well short of the five hours described in the Alburquerque story, but long enough. The verdict? Success!
Standing was boring and uncomfortable, but it did not feel dangerous at any time. Comfort-wise, it made for a good mid-range experience. A sleepsack provides very comfortable bondage. When wrapped up snug in one of those you can drift away into a happy sub mindspace and stop noticing the passage of time. A Roman-style cross, at the other extreme, is incredibly uncomfortable. There is no getting into a Zenlike “I’m not here” mental space when hanging on one of those. The pillory, I learned, is in between. I found it to be uncomfortable enough that I could never zone out. I was always keenly aware of the slow passage of time and of my body’s discomfort. But the discomfort was never bad enough that I felt the need to cut the scene short and stop. I never felt in danger of lasting harm. Physically, I think I could have stayed there much longer. Mentally, though, I hit my limit for solo play and would have needed an enforcer to keep me there any longer once the three-hour alarm sounded.
Afterward, my arms were sore for the next thirty-ish minutes, and at first I was unable to lift them very high behind me. Soon enough that passed, and they were back to normal. My neck remained a little bit stiff for several hours, but there were no lasting after-effects from the experience.
I found this to be a worthwhile project, fun to build and fun to experiment with. I learned that a pillory provides exactly the sort of experience that pushes my buttons: long-term uncomfortable bondage. I really did not know how effective the pillory was at delivering that and find myself much more a fan of the device having now given it a chance. A big “thank you” to author Hunter Perez for providing the inspiration!
Metal would like to thank POW for this information and for these pictures! See more from POW by clicking here.
The Perfect Fit Pro Shower Douche requires no tools, and assembly is simple; you get to spend more time getting ready for that hot date and less time on assembly.
Click for Perfect Fit Pro Shower Douche
Check out the large selection of harnesses available at Mr S by clicking here
More Bondage / BDSM gear from Mr S here
An odyssey into the mysteries of eBay and
By Squirm
Note from Metal: In honor of today (January 14) being International Male Chastity Day, Squirm of the RubberZone site has generously allowed me to share this article and pictures of how he built his very own custom chastity belt! See below.
And be sure to subscribe to RubberZone, if you haven’t already!
Version 1.0 – September 22, 2023
Originally posted to
This article is also available as a PDF download: RubberZone_CheapoChastityExperiment_v1.pdf
I’ve been modifying some inexpensive “generic” full chastity belts that I’ve purchased from an overseas eBay seller. After some amount of success, I thought that others would be interested in this process and could apply some of these techniques to their own chastity devices.
This section is a bit long and explains my experience with chastity and how/why I came to do these experiments. If you just want the how-to’s, please skip to the next section.
I’ve had fantasies about chastity since my sexual awakening (I was into bondage even before that). Over the years, I’ve tried various devices, but haven’t had much success.
I think this is largely due to my own body. My balls are a bit above average in size and have a wide range of “travel” depending on temperature, and I’m definitely a “grower” not a “shower” when soft. My taint and scrotum are also very sensitive.
This makes wearing ball-capture devices (such as the “Holy Trainer” or “CB3000”) difficult, in terms of sizing and security, but most importantly in terms of pain. Nighttime erections would tug on my balls (this is expected) but also create a tight spot on my scrotum that would feel like searing, burning pain, and would not subside for a long while if the device was adjusted. And, when in bondage (as I often am), not being able to touch or adjust the device would mean intense scene-ruining pain. No drifting off to dreamland in bondage while also chaste.
I used to think I was a “wuss’, and that clearly people online were having great success with chastity. I once tried wearing a ball-capture device for 10 full days without removal, hoping to build up a tolerance. In fact, the opposite happened, with the pain being so intense even during the daytime when I could shift things around, that I gave up.
Over 10 years ago, at a play party, someone let me try on their full belt. It was a “Reinhold” belt (unfortunately no longer available), and it did not entrap the balls, and it fit me very well. I wore it for a couple of hours at the party and experienced no discomfort. (Also unfortunately nobody at the party took the initiative to exploit my predicament. Oh well!)
Around that same time, another friend let me try on a “Latowski” belt. This one was way too loose in the waistband, so I could get out of it, but the silicone encased cock/ball area was very comfortable.
Based on those two experiences, I had high hopes that a full chastity belt with waistband and everything could work for me.
But, there were still hurdles. Most full belts at the time were very expensive, and most had little adjustability and my weight and waistline were fluctuating a lot. And, frankly, when I weighed more, my belly/love-handles would overhang the metal waistbands and feel uncomfortable or sticky.
In recent years, I’ve gotten my weight under control (it’s still not quite where I want things, self-image-wise, but my waistline is at least stable), and I’ve on occasion been in a position where I could purchase a full belt without feeling too much financial pain.
Still, there were problems. One well-established vendor who makes premium belts just wouldn’t return emails with simple pre-sale questions. This has in fact happened at least three times in different years when I’ve decided to make a purchase.
Another more recently established well-known vendor provided me with two belts and some custom options, such as a made-to-measure cock tube that doesn’t need a ball capture ring. But I just can’t wear their belts long-term. I appreciate their customer service and everything arrived as advertised, so I won’t name them, as others seem to have good results with their designs and the point of this article isn’t to be a belt review.
The problem with theirs isn’t the waistline, it’s the design of the cock tube, which is not a true tube but more of an open frame with various welds. Even though the welds are polished/smoothed, the shape of the frame creates various pinch points that lead to chafing. Once again, I’ve tried this belt on various 7-to-10-day “build a tolerance” periods, only to have to remove it when sections of skin on my cock shaft began to get raw. (I even got scarring one time that took two weeks to completely heal.)
And, having an open-frame “tube” might help with hygiene and temperature control, but it also means that urine goes everywhere. Now, it can be part of the chastity fantasy knowing that you always have to sit down on the toilet, but I still want the urine to go generally “down” and not create a clothes-wetting surprise shower at random times.
That experience pretty much put me off my quest for chastity for awhile.
Then, the pandemic came. For many of us, that meant spending a lot of time stuck at home, and not having rubber/bondage play with others. (I am partnered, and we do play together, but we both have other playmates for more intense fun with our respective fetishes.) As I was also a caregiver to a loved-one during this time, I didn’t want to risk picking up anything from a playmate and bringing it home.
And, for many of us, being stuck at home for extended periods meant a lot of online gear shopping and fantasizing. I decided if I wasn’t “getting any” on a regular basis, I may as well try being locked and seeing if I could solve my chastity-related issues.