With his wrists outside the bars of the cage, so he has to stand there all day!
To see more like this, go to Serious Male Bondage
With his wrists outside the bars of the cage, so he has to stand there all day!
To see more like this, go to Serious Male Bondage
Click for HotHouse
In Second Life
By Joshua Ryan
Documents Relating to Convict 353308, Rossetti, Jason Scott
Inmate, Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility
Document 8
351699 Cleveland
Inmate, SRLCF
Mrs. Heather Johnston
1112 Detroit Street
Milestone IN
Approved for Transmission
Dear Sis,
I’m sorry you’re not able to come out to see me this year, but I understand. I think it’s great that you and Frank are buying that cabin at Pleasant Lake.
You asked whether me and my cellie are still getting along. You bet. It’s funny, you know, because he was a college kid who was also a Business Executive before he was put in stir, but as you probably predicted Ive been showing him the ropes. Actually, I was worried because I was celling alone and who knows what would happen when they put some other con in with me, but J is exactly the cellie I wanted. Do you know what I mean? :-) I think you do.