This kinkster writes some great descriptive text for hot bondage and gear pictures he finds online.
Click for Strappeddown
Also check out his section here in the Prison Library
This kinkster writes some great descriptive text for hot bondage and gear pictures he finds online.
Click for Strappeddown
Also check out his section here in the Prison Library
The way I am wired, there is nothing hotter than when a chain is fucking PADLOCKED around a man’s neck! Like these men:
PHOTO CHALLENGE to Metalbond readers:
Are YOU padlocked around your neck? If you are, and you have the balls to let the whole fucking WORLD see — send me a picture with the subject line “please post this picture to Metalbond” … so that I can post it here on Metalbond and then the whole fucking world will know that you are locked up.
Here are some of the guys who took the challenge last time:
Yeah, there is a whole fetish for men into wheelchairs, braces and other orthopedic gear.
You can find more like this at Orthotorium
NOTE: This posting is not meant to show disrespect in any way to anyone with a physical disability.
Today’s shots are from Bound Gods, Chaos Men, Men On Edge, Serious Male Bondage, Captured Guys and other sites.
There is an ad for Captured Guys on the Metalbond Links page.
I think it is really hot if a man is tied up and forcibly shaved or head-buzzed! Or better yet if he loses a bet and forfeits his hair. Here are some pictures depicting this:
That last image is from 30 Minutes of Torment
There’s also a blog with a lot of this type stuff, called hairhound4sir