Tag Archives: prison roleplay

Letters from Prison – Part 01

By Socalbd

Background: I recently spent four days as an inmate during a live action roleplay.  The event took place at a closed but partially refurbished maximum-security prison.  This was my first time doing something like this, and I knew I wanted to keep a journal about my experience.  However, I wanted to stay in the headspace as much as I could.  More about that below.  To say it was the experience of a lifetime would be an understatement.  But more than that, the community of men I spent four days with was incredible.  I was honored to share this experience with them.  My thanks to the organizers for their countless hours of preparation.  Special thanks to those that had my back, physically and mentally, and allowed me to ride the range of emotions that challenged, scared and comforted me over the four days.

The letters:  I arranged with the captain of the guard prior to the event to be able to “write” letters home to family.  I would be provided with paper, pen and envelopes in my cell.  When there was time, I would write my letters.  Each evening, I would place the letter in an open envelope and have it delivered to the captain of the guard.  He could read the letter, check it for any information not permitted to be revealed about the prison (he would line out any such writing), he could write comments in the margins if he wanted, and would then “mail” the letter for me.  Mailing meant placing the letter in my duffel bag that was being stored during the event.   At the end of the event the letters would be waiting for me inside the bag, and I would be able to go back and read them along with any edits the captain of the guard made.

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Jail Training Center – Part 01

By slaveobjectx

I had known it as the Academy Training Center. It only advertised in the pages of Drummer, the pioneering gay BDSM magazine, which all leathermen were addicted to if they could get hold of it. It was banned in the UK. I picked up copies if I visited NYC or Amsterdam. Jack Fritscher also wrote an article for Drummer about The Academy, and this is still available online. My memories provide a kind of partial coda to that account and also give a slightly different, and I believe truer version, of how The Academy ended and The Jail Training Center came into being.

For those of you who know nothing of The Academy, I’ll fill you in a little here. It started in the late 1980s and, at that time, was situated in Missouri. What it offered — at a hefty price — was a ‘real’ jail experience. I say ‘real’ because it differed in some interesting ways from a true jail experience. It’s an undoubted fact that the guards were recruited from either serving or ex-serving prison guards and police officers. But sex was in no way part of the equation.

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