Hey prisoners, here are some of my favorite kink porn sites that feature male bondage content. I’m wondering which sites listed below are YOUR favorites, and why?
Hey prisoners, here are some of my favorite kink porn sites that feature male bondage content. I’m wondering which sites listed below are YOUR favorites, and why?
From time to time I get emails from Metalbond readers looking for some long lost story they read ages ago, that they lost. Like the email I got below:
Dear Metal,
There was a yahoo group some years back (before yahoo started to ‘clean up’ some of the groups) that was dedicated to handcuffing stories. One had several chapters and was about a University of Wyoming football player who was kidnapped and held captive by a guy who kept the football player dressed in full football uniform and locked in cuffs/shackles. This was a really hot story, and I regret that I didn’t save it and have since not been able to find it posted anywhere else. This group had many postings of short scenes from contributors talking about their experiences with cuffs as well, including one military scene where they were practicing their cuffing skills and when it was lunch time they left their buddy locked up in cuffs while they took off. If anyone has these saved and would like to share them, I’d love to re-read these.
And this one:
Dear Metal,
The original story I was looking for was about a guy who was a worker at a ‘clinic’ where they kept men in bondage, put them through forced workouts and punishments etc., and one day the guy goes to town on a prisoner and abuses his power, fucks the prisoner and then gets caught by the other clinic staff and has to be ‘cleaned’ and then punished. It was a pretty hot story!
Does anyone know where to find these stories?
I’m looking for a copy editing slave to polish up some story manuscripts. If you are interested, send me an email using the contact form on the About page. It’s a plus if you are also interested in re-writing stories involving bondage and chastity.
UPDATE: I got lots of copy editors, thanks guys, however I still could use help on the story re-writing.
A long, long time ago I used to chat online and over the phone with a very interesting man from the Pacific Northwest, Seattle or someplace like that, who went by the screen name of Davespeed. We talked a lot about fantasies and experiences regarding spread-eagle bondage, military brig incarceration, and long-term cage confinement. He also read me a story he had written, about a prison guard who gets locked up by a former inmate whom he used to guard. I’ve never forgotten these chats, all those years ago, to the point at which I am thinking of writing my own prison story inspired by the scenario described above.
Anyway, Davespeed, if you are out there somewhere, please get in touch with me! There is a contact form in the column to the right.