Tag Archives: Real Working Men

Busman’s Holiday – Part 18

By lthr_jock

Clark stood outside Vickers’ house and swore under his breath. He looked at his open top jeep and then down at himself. The boiler suit was gaping open, revealing his shaved chest and harness to the world. He tried to pull it closer but the suit was clearly too small for him and nothing he did made it any better. He thought about hammering on Vickers’ door but after the way Vickers had been acting, Clark was sure that the door would not be opened. After a couple of minutes of indecision, Clark got into the driving seat. He winced as he sat down and the cock cuff caught in the material of the boiler suit and he reached down to try and make it comfortable. He soon discovered that it couldn’t be fully comfortable and decided to drive off after he looked up and saw one of Vickers’ neighbours peering at him between their curtains.

Clark turned the key in the ignition and to his surprise the normally efficient engine turned over a few times and then coughed, spluttered and died. He tried again with much the same result. Clark groaned – he would hate to have to call the RAC dressed like this. He tried again and this time the engine caught, although as he started to pull away the jeep lurched strangely. Clark headed for home concentrating on nursing his vehicle back to his garage.

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