To see this and much more, go to Serious Male Bondage
By R8080
“Morning boi.”
Alex looked up as he heard the heavy padlock of the cage being removed and the door opened. He backed out, and his neck was tugged by the thick chain he was still attached to. His Master crawled into the cage as Alex panicked in his early morning haze.
It all came back to him as his Master straddled him in the small confines of the cage and kissed him deeply through the rubber dog mask. His cycling, the journey to the farm. He let his arms, bent double in the gimp suit, touch along his Master’s side.
Unlocking His boi, Alex’s Master helped him out of the cage and gently began extracting Alex from his predicament. He pulled the tail out of Alex’s ass, the attached butt plug now dry. Alex sighed into his hood as he felt the invader vanish. Unzipping the suit, Alex felt the cold rush of air against his skin and shivered as the suit dropped away. He stretched his arms as they were freed, the tired muscles enjoying their new range of motion.
By R8080
“You lost kid?”
The car pulled up alongside Alex, a big 4×4 with the dirt marks to show it was used by a local and not some rich mother dropping her kids off at school.
Alex leant on the frame of his broken road bike and tried to make out the drivers face in the shadow of the car. Alex had taken the Friday off work and spent most of the day out on his bike so he could recover the rest of the weekend.
“Broke some spokes and my battery’s dead,” Alex said.
“Where you going?”
“Kings Forest.”
The driver whistled.
“That’s a long way to push a bike,” he finally said. “Hop in. I’ll take care of you.”
Alex began to protest but realised it would be gone midnight before he made it back. A double century, what an achievement he thought it’d be, cycling two hundred miles in a day only to get wrap a wheel around a fallen branch the far side of the turnpike.
“Come on boy,” the driver said impatiently. “Put your bike in the boot.”
By R8080
By the time the train arrived at the station, the sweat had really begun to collect between my skin and the locking rubber suit my new Master had told me to wear. My hoodie was pulled up but the rubber collar with its shiny ring was showing above my t-shirt. I got off the train feeling like everyone was watching me, listening to the rubber squeak beneath my clothes.
He was waiting for me in the parking lot. He didn’t say anything as I approached. He just opened the drivers door and waited for me to get in. I’d barely sat down when His gloved hands were on me, covering my face, probing my mouth and tweaking my nipples beneath my shirt. As He pulled back my tongue reached for His gloves one last time and I realised I was harder than I had ever been.
“Good boi,” he said. “Put these on.”
Rubbout is an annual full weekend of events for men into rubber fetish and gear. Held in Vancouver, British Columbia, it is the longest consecutively running men’s rubber fetish event in North America. This year’s theme is “Elemental” and is geared to be more of a community celebration appealing to the entire kinky crowd in addition to rubber lovers.
Get more information at the official Rubbout site
Also be sure to sign up for event sponsor RubberZone!