To see this and much more, go to Serious Male Bondage
These pictures are from RubbaUrinal. Fucking hot if you ask me. See more at his site, Sly Hands.
You can also find him on Recon and LockedMEN sites under the screen name RubbaUrinal.
The Serious Male Bondage Institute has been contracted by the U.S. government to test highly specialized radiation-resistant bondage gear. The photos above document the test of titanium-infused carbonite cuffs, with low residual half-life deflection. These cuffs were manufactured by Cuff24. The test subject is wearing a protective Radon Inversion suit and headgear, which is rated for R-240 extreme ion deflection exposure.
To learn more, visit Serious Male Bondage
Here are some rubber bondage pictures from a Metalbond reader:
By ty dehner
i was jolted awake, as the big rig crashed into something. Then i realized, we must be in the freight yard, and Tony was picking up the trailer. i had fallen asleep, being in the rubber cocoon that i was in. When i get into bondage, i get so relaxed.
Oh sure, i was sweating like a pig and had to piss something awful, but i was enjoying this bondage. Tony was certainly showing me the rubber lover that i am! i wonder how he is feeling, knowing that he has me in the back of his cab, totally encased in rubber. His helpless rubber slave, wearing a full rubber suit, rubber hood, in a rubber sleep sack. Just as i wondered, that damn shocking butt plug was activated again! i know he must have heard the noise that shot from the piss gag in my mouth. He was adding juice to the voltage and the shocks were getting intense. As the shocks occurred, my crotch seemed to arch off the bed. It was almost painful, because my full kidneys wanted to release. Shock after shock, finally i could hold back no more and i let the piss flow. He must have positioned my dick towards my chest, for i felt the warmth of the piss flowing over my stomach and chest, then running down my sides. It puddled under my back, joining the small pool of sweat that was forming.
By ty dehner
That FedEx guy was pretty damn cute. They always look good in their deep purple uniforms. If he knew what might be in the box that i just signed for, he might just be staying instead of driving off.
In my hands was the box the Tony said would arrive today. Actually it arrived at the time he said. i took it to the computer room and cut off the brown wrap. There, taped to the top of the box was a note:
Inside you will find directions as to what to do to prepare for our meeting in two hours. Also, the gear that i want you to be is enclosed. Follow the directions as written, do not screw up or be late, or we will not meet this time. Before you open this box, strip naked!
Here are more videos shot last year by Serious Male Bondage at the Mister International Rubber event in Chicago:
To see this and much more, go to Serious Male Bondage