Tag Archives: Serious Male Bondage

WANTED: Chastity slaves in the NYC area

Listen up guys this is important!

WANTED: Chastity slaves in the NYC area

Mario Latowski is coming to New York to measure customers for custom male chastity belts.  If you are interested in making a private measuring appointment and placing an order, please contact Mario directly at info@latowski.de.

WANTED: Chastity slaves in the NYC areaMario Latowski

Mario needs 12 people to sign up before he can commit to the trip. Please tell your friends and spread the word! The last time Mario was in the U.S. was in 2006 at the Mr.S store (West coast). This time he will visit the East Coast, so don’t miss this unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet Mario in person and be measured in person for the best fit.

Click HERE for Mario’s website.


Mario Latowski Mario Latowski is coming to New York

Metal would like to thank Mark of Serious Male Bondage for his assistance with today’s chastity posting.

My Week Locked Up in a U.S. Marshal’s Holding Cell

By Bind

I like all forms of bondage. I have very diverse interests, but my favorite kind of bondage is imprisonment that lasts for days. I have a severe prison fixation that I have had to keep under control. In addition to the prison fantasy, I like role plays where I get to become a convicted felon with no freedom or rights, locked up in a cell.  It is a kind of escape from reality being someone who is not like me, playing the bad guy.  I had done some prison scenes lasting up to three days, but I wanted a longer time in lock up.

Continue reading My Week Locked Up in a U.S. Marshal’s Holding Cell

UPDATE: Dore Alley picture

Hey fellas, it was not apparent to me by looking at the picture of the guy bound in public at Dore Alley, but it turns out he was in a genuine heavy-duty BODY CAST (not vetrap).

Dore Alley public bondage 2012

Mark from Serious Male Bondage kindly sent in more information about this very heavy scene:


Hey Metal,

I’m glad you picked up that cool photo of our friend Mumman in his rigid black cast for your post ‘what happens at dore alley.’ Here is more info about that photo if you care to use it:

The material is not vet wrap, but actually medical grade fiberglass casting material. 40 rolls of fiberglass was used to make this upper-torso cast at a cost of around $6 per roll, so the total cost was around $250. Once the 40 rolls were applied and hardened, the cast was approximately ¼ inch thick. It was not necessary to use this much material to create a cast like this, however we wanted to end up with enough thickness so that the cast could be cut off and reused over-and-over again.

The man in the cast is Mumman (FetLife) and the man in the tee shirt is Mister-X (FetLife).

Our casted man was in his rigid torso cocoon for nearly 12 hours. After we left Dore Alley we continued to do photoshoots with him into the night hours. Special casting saws were used to remove the cast. Great care must me taken to ensure that the subject in the cast is fed and hydrated, and does not overheat, choke, panic or vomit. A cast like this takes at least 30 minutes to remove, so any emergency can turn into a disaster. A full body cast takes at least 60 minutes to remove. We had the cast saw with us during the entire Dore Alley visit. This type of play is not for the inexperienced newcomer, and do not use any of this information as an instructional guide. Play with bondage and fiberglass casting at your own risk.

Photos and videos of the entire casting process, Dore Alley, and the removal of the cast will be available on both SeriousMaleBondage.com and our hetero site SeriousImages.com. Our casted man wrote an article about his visit to SeriousBondage Institute, which is titled ‘Mumnan’s Bondage Adventures’ and can be viewed here:


And there is yet another link to info on the Dore Alley fiberglass casting scene here:




Thanks, Mark, for this information, which is very much appreciated!


male bondage videos

Self-Bondage: The ‘oh fuck’ moment for CdnBond comes at 9:45


Check out these images from “Bondage Chair Self Bondage” — one of the many offerings from the guys at Serious Male Bondage. This one features CdnBond, who is one of my favorite subjects on the site. In this one, CdnBond puts himself into the Serious Bondage Chair for some self-bondage. For me, it’s what happens in the video at the 9:45 mark that is most exciting. It’s what I refer to as the “oh fuck” moment. Those of you who are subscribers to Serious Male Bondage probably know exactly what I am talking about. Enjoy your confinement in the bondage chair, CdnBond! You have nobody to blame for your predicament but yourself!

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To learn more about Serious Male Bondage, click here.

CIA agent locked in a suitcase

A rubber dude gets bolted down with chains and padlocks

This is from the Serious Male Bondage website:

Rubber dude bolted downIf you ask me, this is fucking hot.  A bondage website that GETS IT.

By “gets it” I mean these guys know how to use real PADLOCKS to restrain a prisoner ….  and this video would actually be 10 times HOTTER if they also used locks on the ankles and neck.  But at least they got it right on the stud’s wrists.

Don’t get me wrong, I love other bondage sites because they have models with killer bodies.  But let’s face it: a lot of that kind of bondage is FAKE because they “restrain” the guys using metal clips and not locks.

When I see bondage porn I want to know that the dude is REALLY locked down, not in “pretend” bondage with metal clips that the guy just has to unsnap to be free.  It’s like drinking nonalcoholic beer — what’s the point?

Here are some more images from Serious Male Bondage:

Rubber dude bolted downRubber dude bolted downRubber dude bolted downbolted down

To learn more about Serious Male Bondage, click here.

male bondage

Chuck is locked in Yossie’s cell

This is a private cell owned and built by Yossie, the famous handcuff collector (see Yossie’s Handcuff Collection). It features concrete and rebar walls, and a 4-inch thick concrete reinforced ceiling. If you look closely you can see a loop of rebar protruding from the floor in the back corner of the cell, which is used for attaching chains. In this case the chain is attached to the prisoner’s collar and is of sufficient length to allow him to stand but not long enough for him to reach the barred wall and door of the cell. His collar is RIVETED on, and can only be removed with a power saw.

You can see more pictures of inmate Chuck in a posting titled “The Chain gang” at the Serious Male Bondage website.