Tag Archives: straitjackets

A trio of Steelwerks wearers

Check these guys out. Christopher from Steelwerks Extreme sent me these images. All THREE of these guys are locked in high-quality, custom-made chastity devices:

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As I said before, these are about the best you can get when it comes to chastity. A huge thanks to Christopher for these pictures, and as for the models — HOT!


You can visit the Steelwerks Extreme site by clicking here.

Also check out the Metalbond Q&A with Christopher here.


14 days in a straitjacket

Last summer, a Canadian magician named Mark Correia spent 14 straight days in a Posey straitjacket to raise awareness and money for Parkinson’s Disease. He was strapped in on live TV in Toronto, went out in public daily and made several more TV appearances, and finally escaped two weeks later, again on live TV. He posted daily vlogs on Youtube documenting his experience. He has completed a book manuscript (not yet published) called “Two Weeks Strait.”

Here is one of his many videos:



More of this guy’s videos are here.

His ‘Escaping Parkinson’s’ page is here


Thanks to Metalbond reader Pat for sending the information and links above!


Leathermen Paper Dudes

Wow, check out this book from Perfectbound Press:

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Thom Magister’s four hot paper dudes enjoy wearing leather, denim, uniforms and fetish gear. Each dude has seven different outfits, including cop, cowboy and military styles — plus bondage accessories and more — to convey a particular look. That adds up to almost 50 different fantasies you can explore with their help!


You can purchase this at Amazon.

It is one of many offerings available from Perfectbound Press.

UPDATE:  David Stein of Perfectbound Press will be at the Rainbow Book Fair in NYC on Saturday, April 18, 2015, from noon to 6 pm.  It’s at the Holiday Inn on way west 57th Street. He’ll be selling his stuff there, along with fellow kink author Tim Brough.

Max Cita king of the straitjacket


The famous (some would say infamous) Max Cita was interviewed by Mark of Serious Male Bondage.

Max is a hardcore bondage enthusiast of many years, and he enjoys being restrained in his own gear as much as he does putting someone else in bondage! Max has performed escape artistry on stages in front of large audiences, and he enjoys the challenge of straitjackets. His canvas restraint products have long been a standard for magicians, and they naturally cross over into the world of bondage, kink and fetish.

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If you already own Max’s gear or are considering the purchase of his products, this unique video will allow you to meet the man behind the most popular canvas and rubber bondage toys on the market. In short, if you are into straitjackets, this video is a must-see!

Click for Serious Male Bondage.