By Steellock
The Trucker sat in the diner eating his burger. He was watching the comments on his channel feed. Ideas from the audience were coming through, and one of them had caught his attention. A guy has noticed that Matt’s laces in his heavy black Grinder boots are yellow and is suggesting that the Trucker use the feeding spigot on the front of his hood to pipe in a good supply of piss! Gus saw the comment too and reminded the Trucker that they had done something similar before…
While they were chatting the Trucker mentioned that he had been in contact with Jim over the last day or so and he had been alerted to a new, and very inexperienced, sub who had been asking about him. Turns out he is completely captivated by the Trucker having seen him in the shop during Jim’s recent demo session and is wanting to swear eternal worship and kiss his boots! Just what the Trucker had been looking for. Jim had managed to get the boy into the shop, and they were planning on using Jess to help him take the biggest step of his life and be ready to meet his idol!