Tom Cruise muzzle in Mission Impossible 3

Did anyone see the movie Mission Impossible 3? Tom Cruise wears a modified version of this head muzzle. (If you rent the DVD, the scene starts at 1 hour 13 minutes in).  Apparently they modified it somewhat, so that his face was not covered up.



The muzzle pictured above is from Sinvention — a company in Canada that sells high-quality, handcrafted bondage gear. Here is their description of the above-mentioned muzzle:

“If a non speaking sub is what you desire or full control of their head then this muzzle is for you,” Sinvention writes. “Adjustable from very small (shown above) to large without sacrificing functionality is how we have designed this padded muzzle and collar. Everything will stay in the center and aligned to your subject’s unique cranium and neck. We have also crafted this headpiece with minimal rivets. Mostly sewn construction allows for hours of comfortable wearing. Constructed of English bridle leather with a soft garment leather lining.”

UPDATE: You can see an auction for the modified item used in the movie, plus a picture of Tom Cruise wearing it, over at Prop Store by clicking here.


‘Prisoner of War’ by John M. McGrath

This book, ‘Prisoner of War — Six Years in Hanoi’ by John M. McGrath, describes in great detail the author’s experience being held in captivity during the Vietnam War. It includes dozens of illustrations by the author.

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When I purchased a used copy online, I found it had been autographed by the author along with additional illustrations and personal messages. I can only surmise that the recipient of the book died and a family member, not realizing what it was, sold it online.

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