All posts by Tigerkey

The Man That Changed Me – Part 05

By Tigerkey

We spent a few months doing this, staying at each other’s place and in the end I asked Rob if he wanted more from me, as in sex and play? To which, of course, he said he did but only when I was ready.  So after an evening where we had chatted more about this I said to him that I truly wanted more but I had a fantasy about him, and that it was weird. He asked if I wanted to tell him about it and I said OK. It was to do with the paper he had given me about the commitment and said WELL it goes like this…

I was looking at him with the paper in my hands and I so wanted to find out what would happen but he had only given me 5 minutes to decide. Then I thought of one thing and asked ‘IF I do this, does it mean I have no say in anything that happens to me and you control EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE, WITH ME HAVING NO SAY?’ He said, ‘No, but you will do as I tell you most of the time but I’m not going into detail on anything until you are MINE, ALL MINE.

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The Man That Changed Me – Part 04

By Tigerkey

We finished changing and Sir said that when we get into the club, I was to call him Master as that is what I will be, with me being in his colours tonight. I replied, ‘Yes Master’ and he smiled and kissed me.  We got to the club it was very busy, but as we went into the door everyone just moved out of the way and didn’t say anything. I was asked to come up onto the stage and Master called for order.

Once everyone had settled down my Master said welcome to this evening’s event and before the main event of the night he announced, “I WANT TO INTRODUCE MY NEW SUB IN TRAINING – MARCUS, as you can see he is in MY colours to mark him as mine.  He is very new, so, subs here tonight I want you to greet him and help him get to know everyone here, as I will be very busy dealing with this night’s event”.  With that there was a welcome coming from everyone there to me and Master took me to his table, and we sat down for a few minutes so he could take me through the rough plan for the night.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 04

The Man That Changed Me – Part 03

By Tigerkey

After some trouble getting used to being held close like this, I ended up falling asleep and dreamed what would this be like, and did I want this sort of relationship with him? It did feel great to have someone who just wanted to be with me and wanted to spend their time and energy on me in this way.  So, this is how it feels to be close and held. I think I could get used to this, but what about the sub/play side of things?

I was woken up by being kissed on the cheek and Sir asked how I had slept and that he had enjoyed waking up with me in his arms. I said this was so strange but nice as well and I would like/love to do this again, if he wanted me. He didn’t answer, but he did bear hug me for a good while before saying that this was going to happen a lot more if I wanted it to, but as always, he had rules!  So I asked what they were and he said that we were going for a shower again as he loved washing me and me washing him, then breakfast before he got any hornier. We laughed as I could feel that bat pulsating in my butt crack. After doing morning stuff and the shower we went down. The coffee maker was waiting for us, and Sir made some breakfast for both of us.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 03

The Man That Changed Me – Part 02

By Tigerkey

I fell asleep in the sack, and he gently shook me awake and said it was time to come out. I said, in a sad tone, ‘OK’. He laughed and I got let out. He could see I was still in sub space and asked if I needed anything? I asked for a hug, not sure why.  He put an arm around me, and I just felt safe and needed to be held. After I could think again I said I that I needed to sleep, so he moved the sack to the side and covered me and I slept with a smile plastered to my face.

The next morning, he asked how do I feel? I told him the truth, that I wanted a lot more of that and was shocked when he said I could, but if I moved in with him he could do more and more. I said that I was going to have to think about it and wanted to find out, with a clear head, where I wanted to be. He said that was OK. He said that he had always wanted a sub for long term and not just trying out things.

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The Man That Changed Me – Part 01

By Tigerkey

I have always been in ways interested in kink, but I never knew anything other than the stories that you can read online, and never knew how these stories could ever become real; so I went online to try and find a way to find out for real.

So here I was, chatting to people that never seemed real, or interested in anything other than chat, so they could wank off just by the chat etc. So, I gave up mostly then. There was a guy I had been told was honest and looking for a playmate. I messaged him, not sure what to say or how to start things off.  So, I sent a ‘Hi’ and said that a couple of guys on here suggested I ask if he was interested in chatting to someone that hadn’t got a clue, and was interested in trying new things. So we started chatting about what sort of things that I had tried, or thought about trying out. I gave him a brief on what I had and hadn’t, that sort of thing.

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