Category Archives: Story

Edge Device – Part 1

By Strappeddown

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” I commented, holding the strange device in my hand.

“It has extremely advanced electronics in it,” Jim told me. “I have tested it on myself for a few weeks and used it on other boys. It works exactly as advertised — very devious.”

“Does it have a remote control to deliver shocks?” I asked.

“Yes, it can do that — from my computer over there, but that isn’t what I mean. You’ll see if you want to give it a try.”

Continue reading Edge Device – Part 1

Keeping a Prisoner – Part 1

Extensive jail work or an elaborate dungeon is not necessary to keep a man prisoner. It can be done quite effectively with a sturdy chain, a couple of padlocks and a good, solid post to which to attach it. The article that appears below, “Keeping a Prisoner,” is from the archives of Dungeon Master magazine (issue 42), and it is posted here with permission. Comments from the original editor — Zerotaf, also known as “TAF” — are in parentheses.

Continue reading Keeping a Prisoner – Part 1

MCP Treatment Facility

By MarkNorth

The following is a fictional tale centered on an actual stay at “Men’s Central Prison” in Southern California in early July. The storyline is part of the fantasy role-play that encompassed the visit; but all of the bondage scenes described are real. The Officers at MCP are well-versed and well-equipped in bondage and role-play, which allowed me to drift into the desired “headspace” rather easily. Thank you to Bind, Hawk, and Rob for a great trip!

Continue reading MCP Treatment Facility


By JocKDieseL

I’ve made several references to the time when I was 19-20 years old and lived a 24-7 Dom/sub lifestyle with John, the man I called my “handler.” I’ll write more about him and our time together, but I wanted to give everyone a reality check on that situation.

Yes, I had some amazing experiences. I felt like a rock star with all the attention paid to me. I was groomed for performance like an athlete or a racehorse. I was worked out, nearly naked almost all the time, measured biweekly and my progress monitored. I was told what to eat, when to sleep, and how to behave. I was dressed in great clothes by my handler John, and paraded around at parties like a trophy. I was to be the picture of raw youth, John’s “diamond in the rough.” I was charming, deferential, devoted, smart, with just enough dirt under my nails to keep me “in my place,” unrefined and sexy, to impress John’s acquaintances. John was proud of me, and I was proud of myself.

Continue reading Liberated

Vincenzi’s Removals

By Mister-X / Spartan

The phone rang. I picked it up. “Vincenzi’s Removals.”

“This is a special job.” I recognized the voice as someone I had done business with before.


I was given a name and an address.

“Any special problems? Public official? Wife and kids?”

“No, just a big pain in my ass.”

“You know my terms. Cash only, half up front, half after the job is done.”

Continue reading Vincenzi’s Removals

Prepped for Transfer

By Strappeddown

When the sun rose bright through the glass block windows, I knew it was time to rest. Long ago I stopped fighting the men who would come to secure me. It was futile to resist them. There were always too many of them, and they were strong and knew all the ways to force me. It was easier after that, they didn’t ratchet the straps so tightly, and often I found myself secured on a mattress in warmth and comfort rather than spending the day shackled on the cold concrete.

Continue reading Prepped for Transfer

The Weekend

By Marknorth

I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the heavy knock on my door. It was quickly followed by more rapid-fire pounding. My mind was racing as I quickly pulled on a pair of sport briefs and half-jogged to the front door. I had come home early and was hoping to have a nice. quiet Friday night and relaxing weekend.

The door almost flew off its hinges as it was slammed open the moment that I unlocked the deadbolt. I caught a quick flash of uniforms and barely heard the shout of “Police!” as I was thrown against the wall.

Continue reading The Weekend