Category Archives: Story

The Vacation – Part 06

By Rubrpig

4798 stood in the middle of the 4 men who were now his personal tormentors.  As a prisoner who was locked in the Supermax wing of the Ferguson Correctional Centre, he knew he had no rights and now it was confirmed.  Total control of him had been given to these men by the Warden of the facility, Captain Ferguson.

The men stood quietly looking at their new piece of property.  One of them said he needs to be cleaned up as he is a filthy pig.  The others nodded and 4798 was quickly cuffed in the hinged cuffs and the lock box on the cuffs that were standard issue in this wing of the prison.  Two of his guards grabbed him by his biceps and he was marched or dragged down the main cell block to the shower room.  There he was sprayed down with liquid soap, scrubbed down by one of the men using a long handled brush and then told to stand under a shower head while he was rinsed off.  His beard, now grown in thick and dark as it had been weeks since he last shaved dripped water down his chest.

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The Vacation – Part 05

By Rubrpig

The bottom slot of the door opened and a food tray with a sealed plastic glass of orange juice was shoved through and the slot closed.  4798 got up from the bunk and moved over to the tray and picked it up.  There was a piece of bread, thin beef stew, boiled carrots and one cookie on the tray.  The only utensil was a plastic spork.  He ate quickly as he was starving and as soon as he finished the bottom slot clanged open again and he shoved the tray back through.  The guards checked the tray and closed the slot.

4798 lay back down on the bunk and just as he did the lights went out in the cell turning the cell pitch black. He lay there in the absolute darkness and listened to the sounds of the prison.  The clanging of the food slots, banging on the heavy steel cell doors and the shouts of the heavily armed and protected guards.  He finally fell asleep and did not wake up till the lights went on in the morning.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 05

The Vacation – Part 04

By Rubrpig

The next morning, Marc was roused by the orderlies and questioned roughly why his cot was soiled.  Marc looked down at the floor and told the orderlies that the Boss had fucked him raw after they left the ward.  The orderlies nodded and told him that they would be both reported to Dr. Robertson.  Marc nodded and told the orderlies that he would obey any instructions.

The orderies left the ward and came back shortly with Dr. Robertson.  The Dr. ordered the orderlies to take the Boss as he called himself to his office.  The orderles grabbed the patient who had fucked Marc and they dragged him by the heavy straitjacket from the ward followed by the Dr.  Marc sat back down on his bed easily as he had become very adept at moving and standing even though his upper body was securely wrapped in the heavy straitjacket.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 04

The Vacation – Part 03

By Rubrpig

Marc looked around and found that he really could not focus due to the sedative he had been given by his psychiatrist who was now in complete charge of him while he was being assessed as ordered by the court.  He fell asleep and woke up later laying on his side.  His left arm was numb from being trapped under him while he had slept.  The thick heavy leather pads of the cell allowed for support as he struggled to sit up.  He had been in a canvas straitjacket before but the heavy leather jacket he was currently strapped in was thicker and stiffer so it made it difficult for him to move properly.

The bright lights in the padded cell made the white leather pads glare so he was constantly squinting from the glare.  He sat there and he found himself feeling very anxious and nervous.  The total lack of any external sound caused him to be disoriented.  The only sounds were the creaking of the jacket, the sounds of the jacket rubbing against the leather pads and his breathing.  He screamed in frustration but nothing happened.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 03

The Vacation – Part 02

By Rubrpig

Marc was led into the training centre by his four armed guards.  They stopped at a solid steel door and one of the motorcycle officers pressed a button on an intercom.  He stated his name and that they had a prisoner for processing into the facility.  There was a buzzing sound and the officer pulled the heavy door open and they entered the building.  They walked up to a counter with a heavy steel grill covering the opening above the counter.  Behind the counter were 4 men dressed in black swat gear.  One of the swat officers who had control of Marc unlocked the cuffs of Marc’s wrists.

The processing officer told Marc to empty his pockets and turn them out to show that there was nothing in them.  Marc quickly obeyed and placed his keys, wallet and phone on the counter.  The processing officer picked up the phone and turned it off and dropped it along with the keys and his wallet into a heavy brown envelope and then wrote Marc’s name and a 4 digit number on the envelope.  He dropped the envelope in a bin.  He then told Marc to strip and place everything on the counter.  Marc pulled his t-shirt off over his head and put it on the counter.  He leaned down and unzipped his boots and pulled them off along with his socks.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 02

The Vacation – Part 01

By Rubrpig

Marc was tired from a long day on the lead trading desk.  He stretched and his muscular frame felt stiff so he knew he was going to hit the gym when he finished work for the day.  He had received his yearly bonus and since he was the lead trader for his firm, it was larger than he had anticipated so that had put him in a good mood.  He looked around the trading room and he spotted the VP of HR heading his way so he knew he was in for another lecture about taking his accrued vacation time.

The VP had been after him for weeks to start taking his vacation time as currently he had 12 weeks accrued.  He sat down as the VP entered his office.  He held up his hand and told him to hold the lecture and told the VP that he would think it over and let him know in the morning.  The VP nodded and told him that otherwise he would be left with no choice but to suspend him from work until he had used up all the accrued time.

Marc sighed and turned back to the computer screens and noticed a couple of trends so he executed several trades and noted with satisfaction that he had come out ahead once again.  The New York market closed so he stood up, grabbed his jacket and headed out.  After giving some orders and instructions to the night traders, he headed for the gym.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 01

The Trainer

By Alex Ironrod

This is a special adaptation of the opening chapters of “The Trainer” by Alex Ironrod for MetalbondNYC,com, posted here by special permission.


I owe my life to one man. my life – and much more. He saved me. He trained me. He educated me. He loved me and had to let me go. Shit, how much I regret never having told him I loved him – until it was too late.

My name is Dave Coyle. My real life started only a year ago, when I met Mike Harrow. I was a mess. I had been doing drugs, when I could find the money. When we met, I was homeless, living on the streets. One summer morning, I was desperate enough to try to hold up this convenience store. You know the kind. They sell everything from liquor to washing powder. Anyway, I stuck this thick stick under my grubby tee shirt, and picked a quiet mid-morning time, after the breakfast rush.

I was lucky, the place seemed empty. So, I marched up to the counter and growled at the clerk, “OK, this is a stick-up. Hand over your cash right now or I’ll blow you to….”

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My Trip to Jail

By CellShocked

Hampton Jail in IowaUsually, it’s the decisions that I make quickly and then act upon them that are my best decisions.  This telling will emphasize how a recent weekend (09/10/21 – 9/13/21) will have forever changed my life.

I live in an area that is not completely rural but doesn’t have much going on either.  I live right off of an interstate and can be in Boston in a couple hours, NYC is a 5-hour bus ride away, Manchester airport is an hour and a half away, so I can get to places.  But where would I go?  I absolutely hate going somewhere alone.  Now don’t misunderstand, I can travel alone but it’s the destination.  I need someone to force me to do new things.  I am so passive that I have let the world pass me by for the past 45 years.  I failed to take risks and really take that leap of faith.  The only way I can rationalize it is that anxiety and depression have owned my emotions all of my life.

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