By Rubrpig
4798 stood in the middle of the 4 men who were now his personal tormentors. As a prisoner who was locked in the Supermax wing of the Ferguson Correctional Centre, he knew he had no rights and now it was confirmed. Total control of him had been given to these men by the Warden of the facility, Captain Ferguson.
The men stood quietly looking at their new piece of property. One of them said he needs to be cleaned up as he is a filthy pig. The others nodded and 4798 was quickly cuffed in the hinged cuffs and the lock box on the cuffs that were standard issue in this wing of the prison. Two of his guards grabbed him by his biceps and he was marched or dragged down the main cell block to the shower room. There he was sprayed down with liquid soap, scrubbed down by one of the men using a long handled brush and then told to stand under a shower head while he was rinsed off. His beard, now grown in thick and dark as it had been weeks since he last shaved dripped water down his chest.