Tag Archives: About This Site

Your questions, answered


Here are emails from some of you guys, along with my responses:


Dear Metal,

I would love to know if anything new has happened to Jockstrap. Those posts were amazing. I wish I were in his shoes.

Metal responds:

I have not heard from Jockstrap in a while. He was making me photoshop and re-photoshop his pictures before posting them, and it got a bit too tedious for me. Hey Jockstrap, if you are out there somewhere, send us some smoke signals, OK?



Dear Metal,

I thought that you might like to hear about an experience I had a few weeks ago with a well-equipped younger handcuff enthusiast in California. My captor was a pleasant guy whose sole ambition in the scene is to lock someone up in cuffs and not let them out for a while. The outfit he had me in was a pair of BOA handcuffs with a special black box attached to a waist chain, locked with a high-security lock in the back well out of reach. The leg irons were also BOA high security cuffs with about a 12-inch chain, which made walking a little more fun. The black box on the handcuffs was specially made for the BOA cuffs, supposedly one of only a few ever made by the company. The whole effect was very restrictive, I couldn’t have dreamed about getting out on my own, even with the keys. The special black box had large protrusions on the front for the BOA lock tumblers, which rub on your wrists and are really uncomfortable. I’d say that 3 hours in the outfit is about all a person could take with their hands being pried on by the black box, which is how long he kept me in them for.

About halfway through, he thought I had too much freedom, and he added a pair of Ripp-restraint tubes over the cuffs. Then he just made me sit there on the couch. It was a great time, and really got me turned on to high-security cuffs. All of my standard cuffs feel so inadequate now compared to being locked in cuffs that require a very special key with the black box over them.

I liked the story you posted from Mike on the ADI cuffs he got to try on. I’d love to be locked in a pair of those for a while.


Metal responds:

Damn, David, that sounds amazing! Try to get pictures next time, OK?




Just a note of thanks. I really appreciate your being there every morning with something hot every morning (and afternoon)!

—Bob, Chicago

Metal responds,

Thanks Bob!



Dear Metal,

Have you ever ordered anything from Handcuff Warehouse? And are they a reputable business?

Metal responds,

Yes and yes.



Dear Metal,

I love to be put in bondage from mild to wild, with emphasis on wild. My problem is that I don’t have anyone to put me in bondage. I live in Florida, but am not able to travel because of financial reasons. Do you know of someone who would like to put me in bondage on a regular basis? I can host and have enough bdsm toys to equip a dungeon, but do not have a dungeon. I have been put in a straightjacket, mummified with duct tape, tied with rope, bound with steel restraints, handcuffs, leg cuffs, and more. Please contact me and I will give you more information.

Metal responds:

Hey guy, sounds like you need to post a profile on Recon with some pictures. A well-equipped and enthusiastic guy like you should be able to find tons of play partners! You might also want to read this recent posting. Best wishes,



Hi Metal,

I have a quick question for you. Do you know of anyone who is willing to hold the key to my chastity device until they believe I am ready to be released? If you happen to know somebody please let me know.


Pup Neo


Dear Pup Neo,

Have you ever been to the LockedMen site? There are lots of guys there who offer all sorts of long-distance keyholding challenges and dares, etc. You can also use the chastity keyholding service they offer at Mr S — yes, they really do this, and it really works!




Hi Metalbond,

I’m a fan of your site from the UK. This video was on Xtube, but then it disappeared. Have you come across this video before, and if so you know if it is still available anywhere?

(See pic below)


From seeing your site it’s good to know that there are others who actually prefer bondage to sex.

Metal responds,

I don’t know where that video came from, but I would imagine someone reading this will know. Let’s see if anyone responds in the comments.



Hey Metal,

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m still “kicking” when not chained and sometimes then too! Back when you were seeking donations to help with the website expense, I didn’t give anything, but I want to and can now.


Dear Jerry,

Your contribution would be very much appreciated. To pitch in, you can click on the PayPal button in the column to the right, toward the very bottom. You’ll have to decide if you are a “minimum-security,” “super-max” or “life without parole” kind of guy. The funds go to “LockerJock” and are used for hosting fees and site development costs — including an upgrade that is currently in the works. (Stay tuned for more information about that.)



Dear Metal,

I have been interested in being a prisoner and being constrained since my pre-teens. This site is awesome! Do you offer anything like Mens Central Prison where one can pay to role-play being locked up like it’s really prison? Or if you don’t, is there a place like that in the NYC area?

Metal responds,

I’m not aware of a facility like that here on the East Coast. But in my view, from what I can tell the Mens Central Prison would be worth the cost of a plane ticket, plus whatever other fees they are charging.



Dear Metal,

Do you ever do blogs on bondage using dog runs? I once saw a picture and thought it was hot.

Metal responds,

You might want to click for my various Dog Training posts. Also the posting Keeping a Line on Your Bottom might be of interest to you.



Hi Metal,

I really want to thank you for all the great posts on your site and the inspiration for me to buy two chastity devices — a metal one locked on for over 24 hours a few weeks ago, and now the leather shorts. What would you recommend for the best comfortable device for at least a week?


p.s. I am locked up while I am sending this message with no escape till 8 a.m. tomorrow.

Metal responds,

If you want comfortable, you will definitely want to stay away from The Punisher. The Boy Trainer is an easier device for longer-term wear, in my opinion. Click here to see both in use.



Dear Metal,

Probably hard to find, but I would love to see pics of men with their legs wrapped around the head of another while being serviced.

Metal responds,

Sounds great to me!



Dear Metal,

It is hard to find the words to describe how much I enjoy your site. I view it every morning, and again in the evening, ALWAYS looking forward to whatever may be the new post. The stories have been incredible, some of my all-time favorites. There are several that I re-read regularly. The bondage pics, the descriptions, are TRULY a gem!

Thanks for ALL that you have done in helping others explore their fetish behavior/lifestyle. Truly a gift to all of us out there.


Metal responds,

Wow Dave, thanks!




Metalbond Prison Library

Metalbond_chains4Hey prisoners, have you read any good bondage stories lately? Here are a few “greatest hits” from the Metalbond Prison Library:


10 Days in Detention – Part 1 and Part 2

Boot Slave

Closet Trick in a Suit

Handcuffed by Cops Down Under

Waiting for Ross: A Master Key to the Complete Series



I’ll be adding more stories to the Prison Library in the coming days and weeks, so keep checking back. If you sent me a story that I have not posted yet, please remind me … and (this is important!) don’t forget to include your author name, so I can give you proper credit.






More pictures, more porn, more stories coming to Metalbond

CageBanner_Layout 1Hey prisoners, I’ve been adding lots more content to Metalbond lately, have you noticed? And lots more is coming. Lots of bondage porn, and lots more porn is coming. (Hey, be sure to buy memberships to some of these bondage porn sites, which helps keep this site up and running!)

More stories are coming as well, to the Metalbond Prison Library.

There are also some new banner ads in the sidebar to the right, and on the Metalbond Links page.

There are also a whole bunch more links in the sidebar to the right, under the Blogroll header.





Stories on Metalbond … everything is still here

Hey prisoners,

A lot of you have been contacting me asking about the stories here on Metalbond. They are ALL still on this site, but there is a problem is with the nav bar drop-down menu at the moment. Don’t worry and don’t panic, I’m working on getting that corrected.

Meanwhile, you can get to the stories in several different ways:

1. You can click on “Stories” in the navbar above (not the abbreviated drop-down author menu) to see the most recent couple dozen or so.

2. You can do a search for them.

3. Or, you can find them in the regular blog feed by clicking on the month/year entries in the “Older Posts” archive in the sidebar to the right.


You might also want to click here.


‘The Hood,’ ‘A Tale of Chastity’ and ‘Marknorth Goes to Jail’ are in the Prison Library



Click below to read some of the bondage stories in the Prison Library:


A Tale of Chastity

The Hood

Marknorth Goes to Jail


Here are a few other “greatest hits” for you to choose from:


The Prisoner Fantasy

Cop & Dom

Waiting for Ross

One, Police Plaza, NYC


If you especially like a particular story, please leave a comment to let the author know!

For those of you who send me stories, definitely keep them coming! Just remember to put your name on top, and also be sure to respect my three ground rules for stories: no poop, no pets, no pussy.



Metalbond links

Do you like links? I sure do! Not only the kind of link found in a CHAIN, but also the kind of link between websites.

Be sure to check out the long list of links to other kinky websites on the right. Click on some, you may be surprised and find something really awesome. If it says NEW next to a link, it means the link was recently added — either to a new website, or to an established site that I recently discovered.

As always, if you have a site that links to me but I am not linking back to you, please email me so I can add a link. And if I am linking to you but you are not linking back to me, well …

Also be sure to check out the even longer list of links in the column to the right on the Metalbond Links tab, plus the many banner ads listed there.

When you patronize the advertisers that advertise here, you help Metalbond stay online!


Chain yourself up and stay awhile

Houdini1961_01 Houdini1961_02 Houdini1961_03

Here are some bondage stories to keep you busy for a while:

Overnight Bondage

My Reward for Diligent Work


Bondage Situation

The pictures above are from Houdini1961, author of “Overnight Bondage.” Keep checking back to Metalbond for more stories in the Prison Library. Also be sure to click on the banner ads on the Links page and buy a porn subscription.