This video is from Men In Chains
By DR754
Today is Monday, August 8, 1967.
So far, so good. In fact, I had a brainstorm about halfway through South Dakota – what if I changed into my uniform? It’d break the description they had of me from court, and even though I wasn’t law enforcement, what cop is even going to pull over, much less question, a man in a federal ranger outfit?
Working around the handcuffs made things just a bit awkward, but I felt comfortable, almost confident again wearing my greens. I made it all the way into Minnesota without spotting a single trooper, then turned south down Highway 65 at Albert Lea. Corn, corn, corn, and more corn – but I didn’t care about corn, I cared about cops, and there were none to see.
As I entered the one-horse burg of Sheffield about midnight, I glanced at the gas gauge – damned near E. A couple lights were still on at a Casey’s gas station, but how to pay for it? My wallet had been tapped out back around Sioux Falls.
In a self-bondage video, JimmyUSMC describes a fantasy he’s had for years about sneaking into an abandoned jail or prison and locking himself up in chains and shackles — only to be discovered by someone who finds him, and takes away his keys so he can’t escape his own bondage!
See VIDEO of this at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: Intruder Alert
This was shot on location at Hampton Jail in Iowa, and the same video is also available on Men In Chains, under the title of “Jail Break In.”
In a video available at Serious Male Bondage, Bind describes his new way of living. There are probably many other guys who are changing and discovering as well. Websites like Serious Male Bondage, Men in Chains and Metalbond can allow guys to consider making changes in their own lives.
Watch Bind tell his story in a video at Serious Male Bondage
Title of the video: A Talk About Bondage
Also check out Bind’s site Men in Chains
A new video called “Cody Goes to Jail – Trustee Status” is up now at Men In Chains:
Also newly added:
Bind in Lock Down Full Time – Day 91:
You can see BOTH of these videos — and lots of others — at Men In Chains
It’s nice to see Mark from Serious Male Bondage under heavy lockdown!
VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: Bondage Time For Mark – Part 1