Recon profile: flogbotm
By lthr_jock
Several weeks passed. Clark found himself surfing more and more and built up quite a collection of photographs of men in severe steel bondage. At night, he often lay in bed, thinking of how it had felt to be helpless in restraint – and of Vickers and his threat (promise?) of a longer test next time. He still approached his work in the same way, though several times he found himself ruminatively running his hands over the sets of prisoner transport chains and wishing they were heavier. On one of these occasions he caught Morrison watching him, and vented his frustration by slamming his baton across the back of Morrison’s knees several times as he escorted him back to his cell.
He had almost given up on Vickers, when he received an email from Arcturus35. It was short, with an attachment. “Interested?” The attachment was a picture of a metal yoke laid out on what Clark recognised as Vickers’ carpet. Clark had seen yokes before, but they did not interest him. The originals were basically a carved wooden bar that went across the back of someone’s neck. Chains or leather straps then secured their neck and hands to the yoke, with the hands stretched out at least 1 foot from the neck. The idea was to keep the person helpless, while still able to move around – and in some cases be used to drag carts or ploughs. Modern versions all seemed to be made of very thin steel. To Clark, they looked more cosmetic than anything else and not for a collector like himself.
At BreederFuckers, Joseph has undergone an extraordinary transformation. Recently he was strutting through the streets in his baggy gangster clothes, threatening and taking anything he wanted. Now his extreme training has rendered him perfectly submissive. His hands are bound behind his back and he is put on his knees so he must crawl along miserably slowly. He’s stark naked, so his muscular hard body is on constant display and his tight ass is vulnerable as he turns and bends.
Joseph’s head is covered and he’s blindfolded, but it’s still possible to see through to his crushed humiliated expression and the tears trapped on his cheeks. A gap is made to expose his mouth so he can suck dick. Since he can’t see he must painfully crawl over the floor searching for the cock to suck. He can only locate it by sniffing out the musty scent of it. The cruel game is amplified as an electric collar is attached around his neck, giving him a shock unless he begs for cock and obediently provides the oral service that’s demanded of him. He must bend over and expose his slick hetero arsehole while Adrian wanks above it.
This tough thug is continuously told how he’ll now be pimped out to wealthy gentlemen who will do nothing but fuck and trash him. This will be his only use from now on.
To see more, go to BreederFuckers
This picture is from an article recently posted to the Serious Bondage site:
To learn more about BadNomad, click here.
Here are more pictures from the Metalbond archives, from a reader of this site: