The only thing hotter than being locked up like this is being locked up like this for a longer amount of time!
The only thing hotter than being locked up like this is being locked up like this for a longer amount of time!
By Mister-X/Spartan
Greg was pricing more items for his shop when Wally entered. After Wally told Greg what he was looking for, Greg knew that he had some, but they were in the back. Greg went into the back, and Wally followed. Greg went up to the pile of items that he knew contained what Wally was looking for. As he was going through them, Wally noticed Greg’s leather jacket thrown over another pile.
“Nice leather jacket. Are you into leather?”
Greg’s cock stirred as he noticed Wally as a person instead of a customer. “I do like leather, yes.”
“What else have you got that’s leather?”
Greg noticed that Wally was wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans. “I’ve got a pair of leather pants and a few other items.”
“What kind of items?”
Greg was reluctant to show a total stranger his collection of bondage gear. By then he’d found the item that Wally was looking for, and he pulled it out. Just as he was showing it to Wally another customer came into the store. Wally said “that’s just what I was looking for. How much?”
Today’s ‘head trip’ picture is from Serious Male Bondage
Lifetime “gangsters” really think they are working in the service of crime. This guy is so set in his bent ways that he has no idea how normal people behave. There is a whole pecking order in prison that guys like him adhere to and think everyone else should obey too. It all comes crashing down of course when a young prison officer takes offence at their cocky ways and the lag finds himself dragged off, stripped entirely naked and thoroughly knocked about and has his dick and hairy arsehole fully exposed! That’ll teach him!
VIDEO at Strip Search Hell