By Joshua Ryan
Chapter 15: Crime and Punishment
Here’s the way it was. Every new slap had to spend at least 30 days being “trained.” The idea was that if you spend 30 days in the Chicken Coop, you find out what you are, an you be a good slappie, resta you life. “Good” meaning all slappie and nothing else. After that, the Program looked around for somebody to sell you to—I mean, somebody to take a lease on your labor service. Every few days, clients were invited to the Show Room and slap boys were displayed.
Sometime in my distant past, Major Timmons had explained it all. Then it had seemed less personal—much less personal than when it was discussed in the Scrum Room.
“They even got a catlog, dude. They be seein YOU, an you bare ASS, right in they laptop dude.”
“While they jerkin, I guess.”
“They jerkin for ME, anyways. Doan know for you, dude.”
When you were sold, you left the Coop and you were never seen again, unless you turned up working down the block from some other slap that trained with you. Then maybe you would meet him and share your happy memories.