Tag Archives: Metalbond’s Prisoners
Caged with a good book
Update on the Prison Library
Hey prisoners,
Just an update on the Prison Library. A number of you have sent me stories recently, and I have not forgotten to post them. It’s just that I have been having some technical difficulties with the website lately that I am trying to get resolved. I will get the new stories posted as soon as I can.
The good news is that there are some really hot stories coming to this site, from the likes of Rubrpig, ty dehner, lthr_jock and others — plus a really special surprise coming that you definitely won’t want to miss. In just a few minutes, I am going to post Part 2 of “Wanted Karl” by rts, and there will be a final Part 3 of that tomorrow.
Oh and speaking of stories, I have a brand new idea for one — so if anyone wants to write something and needs an idea, send me an email.
Collared and chained in four-ways
Caged and stored
TBT: Caged
Another one I regret ever letting go. He was hot AF — and super nice.
TBT: flogbotm
Some prisoners should never be un-cuffed
I regret ever setting this one free.
Update from Metal: Story week starts Monday night in the Prison Library
Hey prisoners, just an update that “story week” will start tomorrow (Monday, April 24) with one new gay bondage story or chapter update posted each night. There is newly written fiction or chapter updates from lthr_jock, Unowned in NYC, Mister X-Spartan, Bikermike and Greg Alexander — so be sure to come back often to see what’s new.
Oh, and speaking of stories, it is really nice of you guys when you contact me via email or instant messenger on Recon to tell me how much you enjoyed a particular author’s work — but please remember to leave a comment on the Metalbond site as well, so that the author of the story you like can see. You don’t have to leave your real name or even a real email address. But please write something in the comment box for the stories you like!