Tag Archives: Mr S

Punishment and Presents — Woof Woof!!

By Paul

The morning started off with some punishment for me. Sir strapped me down to the bed with e-stim straps around my cock and balls and another strap across my ass. Using his PrisonGuard program, I was subjected to e-stim punishment for the best part of an hour. PrisonGuard was in control … It worked in two modes … Punishment mode and rest mode. In rest mode there was no power being supplied to the e-stim box, and I could rest in my spread eagle position. In punishment mode, PrisonGuard would randomly send power to either the straps around my cock and balls, or the strap across my ass, or BOTH!! I can honestly say, the e-stim to the cock and balls was the toughest to cope with, be it on its own or in conjunction with power being sent to the ass strap. When power was sent to the ass strap alone, I could endure it better but it was still intense!


PrisonGuard would randomly pick how long it would spend in each mode. So at one point I had about one minute in rest mode followed by nine minutes in punishment mode!! As I lay on the bed, when the hood wasn’t on, I could see the countdown on the screen as each mode played out. It seemed to take forever for the punishment modes to pass, but the rest modes would fly by really quickly. As the final ten seconds of rest mode counted down, I would brace myself knowing that once that counter hit zero, something in my pants was about to get fried! During the whole punishment session, Sir sat on a chair, or on the bed next to me, watching his Boy being punished, and sometimes offering me a pat on the head for some reassurance from him … Woof Woof!!

This afternoon there was a knock at a door, and Sir got a nice big box in the mail. It was a present he had treated himself to for his birthday, something he has had his eye on for years and always wanted … It was the Mr. S Leather Deluxe Leather Sleepsack Fetters USA!

Sir has had his eye on this for years, and he decided it was time he got it, and Woof Woof does he love it!! He got it with all the optional attachments on it, and it’s a very professional piece of kit indeed! Once we had time to examine it, it was time to give it its initial test run. I put him into it and zipped it closed around him and then strapped him shut into it. The interior is leather lined, making it a very snug fit, and the build quality is so good that he said it’s very comfy, snug and escape proof! This is just our initial test run of the new sleepsack, and right now, as I type this, I can hear Sir snoring away like a content bear fast sleep in his sack. WOOF!!


And if you look to the left of that picture, you can just see the corner of our cage where I am locked away just about every night after dinner. I very much enjoy being locked in this cage, because it is right beside my Sir’s bed, just where Sir’s Boy should be … WOOF WOOF!!!

Get the sleepsack here

Metal would like to thank Paul for this report, and for the pictures!

Ice Lock pulley and cage setup for self-bondage

Hey prisoners,

When it comes to rigging yourself up in self-bondage, leave it to Richard Hunter of Mr S to show me how it’s done! Richard was kind enough to send the information and pictures below about using the Ice Lock in a most inventive manner.

Remember, whenever you do solo bondage play it’s a good idea to let a trusted friend know what you are up to so he can come and save your ass if something goes wrong.




OK Metal,

I used the Ice Lock myself, the longer one and it lasted for 2 hours and 25 minutes with the Neoprene cosy on it. It was rigged to a pulley system with the keys attached to 2 padlocks to a cage. When the Ice Lock opened the weights (15 lbs.) at the end of the Ice Lock dropped to the floor bringing the other end of the rope thru 2 pulleys that held the keys with 2 lbs. of weight attached down to land in front of the cage. Plus lots of bondage inside the cage and the leg iron and handcuff keys were also attached onto the pulley system as well. Here are some pictures of the rigging, it’s pretty simple actually, just need two points of attachment in the ceiling about 5 feet apart for the two pulleys.

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The 15 lbs of weight are attached to the Ice Lock itself. On the other end is about 2 lbs. of weight with the keys. You need some weight to make sure the keys get pulled down when the Ice Lock opens and the 15 lbs drop off.

The 15 lbs and the Ice Lock is about 5 feet in front of the cage, so you can’t reach it. The keys then are about 1 foot in front of the cage when they drop down, and you can just reach thru the bars, even with the handcuffs on, and grab the keys to everything: the leg irons, handcuffs and the 2 padlocks locking the cage itself.

You’re in the cage for about 2 and a half hours, with no way out. Plus you can bring all your favorite toys in there with you or on the floor next to the cage to play with while locked up. Sweet, and yes, I did this to myself, to see how it all would work before I tried it on someone else. Gotta do the “research” you know!

It worked like a charm. You just gotta get the distances right as to the keys dropping down in front of the cage. Too far away and you can’t reach them if your hands are cuffed together. Also at first I didn’t put any weight on the key end of the rope, and then it dawned on me, wait, what’s going to cause it to drop down when the heavier weights drop off? So I figured 2 lbs would work and it did. Also had to make sure the rope ‘length’ was right, so it would drop all the way down. See, research is really important.

— Richard


Metalbond would like to thank Richard Hunter of Mr S for the pictures and information about the Ice Locks.  

End-of-year message to Metalbond readers

Thanks to all of you who follow this website!

2015 was a great year, with lots more excitement planned for 2016. To date there have been more than 4,000 blog postings, and 500 stories in the Prison Library! Currently about 3,500 unique site visitors come to Metalbond every single day, so thanks for checking in here regularly!

And extra special thanks to those of you who send stories, pictures and web links. This stuff is awesome, so please keep it coming!

Speaking of stories, have you noticed we are on a roll lately, and there are lots more stories coming. Watch for newly posted gay bondage fiction to appear regularly in the new year.

I wanted to mention (hint, hint) that there is a “tip jar” on the Metalbond page, at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar column. If you are feeling generous, please consider making a monetary contribution to help keep this site up and running. You can select from three options — “Minimum security,” “Super-max” or “Life without parole.” As you can probably imagine, the Metalbond page uses a massive amount of bandwidth, and I have to pay for site hosting to keep it up and running. I also have to pay my web developer. So whatever you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.

An even BETTER way for you guys to support Metalbond, is for you to click through to one of the many porn sites with featured content posted here — sites such as Serious Male Bondage, Bound Gods, Men On Edge, Titan and Dream Boy Bondage, among many others — and buy yourself a subscription. Or, you can click through to one of the gear suppliers — such as Mr S or Sinvention — and buy yourself some gear!

Also check out Bad Boy Bondage – and over at E-Stim Systems, Metalbond readers who use the code “METALBOND” at checkout save 10 percent off their order (offer is good for one time only).

Have fun, guys!

And remember, whenever you patronize one of these advertisers by purchasing a porn subscription or gear, you are actually also supporting the Metalbond site and keeping this all going.