This picture is from the escape artist Spencer Horsman’s Instagram page:
Fucking HOT if you ask me! Thanks to Metalbond reader Chris for passing this one along.
This picture is from the escape artist Spencer Horsman’s Instagram page:
Fucking HOT if you ask me! Thanks to Metalbond reader Chris for passing this one along.
Imagine wearing these chains for a whole weekend or even a week. Maybe all summer on a work farm.
I’m wearing SlickItUp and I’m bolted down spread eagle on the deck at Serious Male Bondage
Thanks for all the likes and re-blogs!
Today’s special Metalbond tribute to the joys of crucifixion continues. I wonder if these guys are in this for the religion, or for the s/m. Click HERE, for the article and photo gallery, over at the New York Post.
Metalbond reader Louis found this image online:
It’s from this news website in Chinese.
“Bed stolen pull one million yuan major burglary” is what the headline reads, when I use the Google Chrome translate feature.