VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: Bondage For All
Behold JimmyUSMC, as photographed by Serious Male Bondage:
Lots of VIDEO of JimmyUSMC is available at Serious Male Bondage and also Men In Chains
Check out what is going on over at Serious Male Bondage:
See VIDEO of this at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this shoot: Achtung!
By Mark from Serious Male Bondage
On the third morning I got up and found our friend strapped down to the medical restraint bench in the next room. I don’t know how long he had been there, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. The best part of his bondage was the wide canvas strap across his chest, and the tube mitts. I think the mitts came from PX Direct or Handcuff Warehouse. The mitts are used when transporting a prisoner, so he is not able to use his fingers or hands. Handcuffs go around each tube at the wrist to hold the hands inside. In this case the handcuffs were threaded through a ring on a heavy leather belt that was locked around his waist. This is a standard setup, and I thought it was fucking hot. I guess I’m a gear guy, so anything like these tube mitts or the handcuff belt are very exciting to me. I’ll have to ask Bind if he would lock me up in this setup later.
As I said in the previous update, I brought three suitcases full of rubber and metal bondage gear. It’s a chore to keep track of all my gear because there are three play areas at Bind’s place. In addition, Bind’s gear is all over the place, and another guy brought his gear too, so it’s easy to mix stuff up.
The “Texas” external catheter I ordered from Amazon has been working out great. I have done four or five scenes so far, and it has saved me each time from stopping the scene to go pee.
I wanted to try the heavy rubber suit in the basement again, only this time I would wear my black sweatshirt and pants over the rubber to keep warmer. Each day, the basement has been getting colder and colder. Bind helped me into the suit again and chained me to the floor. I was very excited to do this again. The experience is so exhilarating.
This time we used a wireless audio baby monitor so Bind didn’t have to keep coming down from the second floor to check on me. (You can see the small baby monitor in the photo above.) The baby monitor has a two-way talk function, so Bind can press the talk button on his receiver upstairs and say, “Mark, how are you doing?” and I can clearly hear his voice in the basement and I can reply without needing to push a button on my end. This worked out super great.
I was wearing the catheter bag strapped to my right calf underneath the rubber suit. This entire setup was totally awesome, but I only lasted a few hours because my hands started to get cold. This was because my hands were resting on the concrete floor, and the rubber gloves that were attached to the suit were much thinner rubber than the suit itself. The only parts of the rubber suit that wasn’t covered by my sweats were my hands and head. My head felt fine because my head was resting on a pillow and the floor mat, and because there was a second rubber face piece zipped onto the front of the hood.
However, my hands couldn’t survive the cold from the cement and the single and thin layer of the gloves, so I stopped the scene within a few hours. Damn! I’m sure I could have gone the whole night if it weren’t for my cold hands. In any case, the experience was fantastic. I drifted off into sub space and my mind chattering stopped. I had absolutely no worries. My mind basked in the thought of the predicament I was in. I was in the dark except for a little light coming through the cracked door. I was in bondage nirvana. I would occasionally pull on the wrist and ankle shackles just to feel them and hear the clink of the chains. There was absolutely no give to the restraints as they were all made of metal and locked to four heavy eyebolts set in the concrete floor. This was the most fantastic scene I had done in a long time, and I had been fantasizing about this scene for months before I actually arrived. Frankly, I can hardly wait to come hack in the spring of 2018 and try it again when the weather is warmer.
In the afternoon we shot a video for Bind’s new series, titled “Mind Trap.” This is a movielike series of updates on his website. I think there are 20 or so in all. The story is about this guy in the future who is arrested and charged with a crime. The authorities probe his mind to verify that he committed the crime. Then, as punishment, they download various bondage scenarios into his mind, which he is forced to participate in.
The photos above show one of the bondage scenes that he must endure while the authorities manipulate computer programs to control his harsh bondage experience. Check out the series on Bind’s website,
On this trip I had brought along a really thick StudioGum hood that I borrowed from Bikermtl on Recon, and a large-diameter metal collar that I borrowed from Yossie Silverman. The hood is so thick that a normal size collar would not fit around my neck, but Yossie’s collar did. The collar’s chain was locked to the wall behind me. My steel belt was bolted around my waist, and my gloved hands were shackled and locked to a single attachment point on the back of the belt. This made my hands completely useless, as well as keeping them behind me and out of the way.
My goal was to stay in the thick rubber hood as long as possible, but that ended up being less than two hours. I don’t think the hood was the issue, it was the width and weight of the collar on my neck and shoulders. Once I stopped the scene and the collar was removed, the thick hood became much more manageable, however we traded the hood for a lighter one and I spent a few more hours in it before dinner time.
After dinner I asked one of the guys for help with trying another scenario. I wanted to try a rubber hood and gas mask, along with some leather bondage mitts. I had purchased these mitts years ago at Mr S. They don’t sell them any more. The mitts allow each hand to be folded over and locked. This is not so unusual. However, once each hand is folded over and locked, handcuffs can be closed around each wrist over the leather. I’m sure nobody thought of this when the mitts were originally manufactured at Mr S, but it turns out to work great.
So, once someone is wearing the mitts and completely helpless, it is easy and very exciting and sexy to handcuff their two wrists together by closing the handcuffs over the leather of the mitts. The feeling of this is REALLY exciting for the person in the mitts. I don’t know what it is about this combination, but it is really great and unlike other similar mitts on the market today. I asked the guys to put the mitts on me, fold my hands closed and lock the mitts with padlocks, and then handcuff my hands behind my back. In addition a padlock was used to lock the short chain between the handcuffs to the loop at the back of my steel waist belt, so my wrists were kept tightly in place behind my back.
Two chains were then run from the rings on each side of my rubber hood collar to the back wall, which prevented me from leaning forward very far. My ankles were also shackled together.
I was left alone in my mitts and handcuffs for two or three hours (within earshot of the guys), and the experience was absolutely fantastic! I was once again in bondage nirvana.
The day we did this scene was one day before Halloween. So, while I was tied up and enjoying myself, Bind fired up the video camera and came into the jail with a flashlight. He pretended like he had just discovered me in the cell for the first time and made a big deal about approaching me with caution as if I was a creature from another planet. I guess I reminded him of an alien because of the rubber hood and gas mask. The flashlight made a very eerie effect, and we all enjoyed the antics. After the filming, Bind released me from the mitts and handcuffs, and I put them on him so he could experience their unusual feeling.
The next day was Halloween, so Bind hung up a skeleton outside the entrance to the jail and advertised in the local paper about jail tours and Halloween candy. Some of the guys dressed in skin-color zentai suits and acted as dummy inmates in the jail cells. We would lie motionless and then spring alive and scare the trick-or-treaters. Fun!
The next day some of us went to the local cafe in our orange prisoner suits. Needless to say, on this trip a good time was had by all!
Metal would like to thank Mark from Serious Male Bondage for this true story! See the VIDEOS at his site!
Title of this video series: Bondage Time for Mark
By Mark from Serious Male Bondage
Hey guys, Mark here from Serious Male Bondage. I’m sitting on a plane waiting to take off on another bondage adventure. I’m going to visit my friend Bind at his jail in Hampton Iowa for a few weeks as a mini bondage vacation. (Check out the jail’s website here. This visit is less about shooting videos and more about getting in some quality bondage time of my own. I need some bondage down-time and brought three suitcases filled with my own gear. The idea is to ask Bind to put me in my gear and leave me for a while to I can get some good alone time in my favorite gear. At home I often play with my gear doing self-bondage, and sometimes MummyEd comes over and locks me in for a while, but I like the setting of Bind’s jail and basement as places to be tied up and left alone in a more “serious” environment.
Sometimes I will be chained up and Bind will leave me restrained all night. Bind is always in earshot, and there is more than one person in the building, so I feel pretty safe. On this visit I hope to do an all night spread eagle on the concrete floor of the basement, in my rubber suit. Since I’m visiting at the end of the year, the temperature outside is hovering around freezing, so I’ll have to lie on something to insulate myself from the cold floor.
Before I go any further, I’d like to share this picture with you guys. I took this picture last month at the new This poor guy was handcuffed to the walls and hosed down with a garden hose in the shower cell. The shower cell is the same size as the other jail cells, but has a shower head with hot and cold water. The great part about this cell is that there are attachment points in the wall and floor allowing a prisoner to be collared or shackled, sitting or standing. Then, with the use of a standard garden hose which is located at the far end of the cell, with it’s own faucet, the prisoner can be hosed down and is completely unable to escape the stream of water coming from the nozzle of the hose. We all know how much fun it is to squirt water across the yard with your home garden hose, imagine being able to hose down your submissive in the same way! It’s kind of like being at the do-it-your-self car wash.
I arrived at Bind’s place around midnight with three suitcases full of bondage gear. There was light snow falling as we dragged my suitcases into the house. The picture above shows three metal collars I brought with me that would allow me to have on different thicknesses of hoods and still fit a collar around my neck. The only problem with bringing all this gear is the extra baggage charges. You gotta be pretty hardcore to bring this much bondage gear on a vacation. BTW – I borrowed the collars from the handcuff collector Yossie Silverman.
The next morning we got up and I helped Bind shoot a few segments for his bondage video series “Mind Trap.” Bind has a cool Gibbet cage that his friend welded together for him. We put him in a leather straitjacket and then into the cage and hoisted it off the floor for the video.
The second scene in the video was hoisting Bind upside-down in an arms-down leather straitjacket. I swear, Bind gets more bondage than 10 of us put together! Check out his “Mind Trap” video series on
My first bondage scene since my arrival was to be shackled spread-eagle on the floor of the basement. As I said, it was freezing outside and although the basement wasn’t that cold, it was chilly. So I laid on a foam mat and with the StudioGum heavy latex suit, leather boots and a Mr S latex surf-suit on underneath, I was mostly OK. I had ordered a “Texas Catheter” set from Amazon, and had the bag strapped to my right calf under the heavy rubber suit. It has a condom with medical adhesive that allows the condom to stick to your cock once it’s rolled on, then a small hose connects the condom to the bag.
With this setup I didn’t have to worry about stopping the scene because I had to go pee. This is the first time I had ever tried this, and it worked out really great. I wish I would have thought about this a long time ago. During my 2-plus hours on the floor I peed twice and my urine was captured flawlessly in the bag. Fantastic! I will try this scene again in the next few days and go much longer.
Finally, in the evening we gathered in Bind’s living room to watch TV, and I ended up putting a StudioGum thick rubber hood on Bind, and the biggest metal collar over his neck. I had the hood buckled too tight so Bind didn’t last very long. I want to try this hood while chained to the wall in the jail cell, which I will do tomorrow. Stay tuned!
To be continued …
Metal would like to thank Mark from Serious Male Bondage for this true story! See his site for the videos!
Title of this video series: Bondage Time for Mark
A bunch of bondage guys spent a weekend at Edge Dungeon:
Visit official Edge Dungeon website here
PLUS: You can see a full report including more pictures and TWO VIDEOS, at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this update: Weekend at Edge Dungeon
In a self-bondage video, JimmyUSMC describes a fantasy he’s had for years about sneaking into an abandoned jail or prison and locking himself up in chains and shackles — only to be discovered by someone who finds him, and takes away his keys so he can’t escape his own bondage!
See VIDEO of this at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: Intruder Alert
This was shot on location at Hampton Jail in Iowa, and the same video is also available on Men In Chains, under the title of “Jail Break In.”
By RotherhamMan
The man who had called himself Thor was eventually released from his chains. None of the local men had the key it seemed and bolt cutters took a while to get from the back of the vans, in favour of taking in the sight of the hunk covered in spunk. When the chains were cut he too weak to lift himself off the hammer he was impaled on and it took six men to lift his body high enough to get him off it. There was some muttering and swearing as the length of the handle was revealed.
That was stopped when the man slipped off the hammer entirely and moaned from its loss but still came with his cock untouched. Those who hadn’t seen his previous orgasm were shocked to see how large and powerful his load was as it arced over the crowd and landed on many of the soldiers with cries of disgust and laughing directed at them. Thor was laid down on a gurney and moaned as the weight of his whole body was put on his sore ass. No one had yet made any effort to clean him up and he remained covered in sweat and semen.