Check out this chastity device — one of many from Steelwerks:
Click for Steewerks Extreme
Also check out the Metalbond Q&A with Christopher here
Check out this chastity device — one of many from Steelwerks:
Click for Steewerks Extreme
Also check out the Metalbond Q&A with Christopher here
At long last, the Metalbond A to Z postings continue with the letter Q. It took me a while to think of something for this letter, and then I realized the answer was staring me right in the face! The Metalbond Q&A section, of course. Every once in a while I get to interview a key gay bondage personality:
Pictured above, subjects have included Dirk Caber, Sebastian Keys, Kristofer Weston, Christopher Miers from Steelwerks Extreme — and Jared of Dream Boy Bondage.
Click their pictures above to go directly to their respective Q&As — or to read them all click here.
DualDrew recently locked KevinBnyc in a custom chastity device made by Steelwerks Extreme. Read Drew’s play-by-play blog posting about this, “Caging The Whale,” by clicking here.
Today’s chastity pictures are from Brutal Tops, Bound Gods, LockedMEN, Steelwerx, the internet, and several Metalbond readers.
Chgoguy78 writes,
Dear Metal,
Here is a pic of my device from Steelwerks. It is a “Classic Supreme.” It has a locking PA barbell, which can be switched out to a urethral tube. It has removable discipline screws in the cap. It has a removable scrotal cuff to keep my balls nice and low. It is a combination of titanium and steel, and all pieces lock with the “s” screws.
Thanks, Chgoguy78, for the picture and information!
The official Steelwerks website site is here.
Metalbond Q&A with the business owner is here.
Chastity blogger Drew (of The Drew Duality site) visited Chris over at Steelwerks Extreme and has written about his experience.
For Drew’s report, click here.
Also check out the Metalbond Q&A with Chris, available here.