Check out the pictures and information from RbbrStorage:

Dear Metal,
I thought you might be interested in the attached. There is a website out there that shows projects people have made by “hacking” IKEA products and using them for a different purpose than they were intended. It inspired me to build my own fuck bench for less than $100, using a $30 IKEA sawhorse/table support, a $60 black leather footrest cushion, and less than $10 in assorted hardware and scrap plywood. The cushion can be raised at the front or back, or both, and it’s surprisingly stable. It took about an hour to build, and we used it for a fun and successful test drive last night.

It includes a holder for a Fun Factory penis massager, made from a drink holder, a pipe support clip and a few eyelets, for hands-free orgasm. It even includes a handy shelf for lube, towels, etc.
The vibrator is a Fun Factory Cobra Libre from Stockroom:
Using this is the only way I’m allowed to cum anymore, and only in bondage. It’s a pretty awesome machine.
I’m planning to add a few more details, like a platform for resting the weight on my knees, and maybe a cushion under the neck to hold the head up.
I’m sure IKEA has something that will work for both of those needs. Maybe if enough of your readers come up with cheap and simple projects like this, we can get IKEA to add a dungeon department.
Metal would like to thank RbbrStorage for the pictures and information above.
To find out what is inside this guy’s mind, be sure to read his story:
The Roommate