Hey guys, blog reader Louis of the Self-Bondage on Steroids post has passed along the following tips for safe bondage play. It’s good advice, if you ask me.
Louis writes,
Dear Metal,
Here is my list for bondage play:
1. Never play with a ligature around your neck. Or anything that could act as a ligature around your neck. Never play with strangulation.
2. If you do bondage, have a backup. This applies to all types of bondage. It is better to play with two bondage-buddies than just one. Play parties can provide tens of backups. The Delta and Inferno runs have specific designated individuals to keep the play safe. When I do self-bondage I have three separate timers and someone who will check on me if I don’t show up.
3. Don’t eat, drink, or take drugs excessively prior to play. Don’t play when sick.
4. Throwing up and passing out need to be planned for even if unlikely. They both can quickly result in dangerous bondage scene.
5. Don’t obstruct your breathing. Most autoerotic deaths are the result of asphyxia. The one death I know of at a play party was also the result of asphyxia. So DO NOT obstruct your breathing if doing self-bondage. If your breathing becomes blocked, even when playing with others, there is only about three minutes for your play partner(s) to recognize the problem and fix it. Gags, gas masks, any form of breath-control, and most hoods are inherently unsafe in self-bondage.
6. Play with safe people. That means people who don’t use drugs, alcohol or marijuana excessively prior to play. People who will pay attention. If you are new to bondage, play parties are a safe place to meet people. Once you know people in the scene, play with people your friends know and have played with. Talk to strangers, just don’t let them tie you up, especially at your place. If you insist on playing with strangers make sure a friend knows with who and where you are playing. See item #1 – have a backup.
7. If you play by yourself it is safer if you are mobile enough to get out of the building or call 911 in the US (for other countries see: https://www.sccfd.org/travel.html). Remember, you really will not die from embarrassment.
8. If you do long term play, make sure you can get water and food. I have heard you can go without air for three minutes, without water for three days, and without food for three weeks. So for self-bondage air and water gives you a “safety-window” of three weeks for someone to find you.
9. Have at least two keys for every lock. Know where the keys are. Store locks locked, it forces you to check the lock by unlocking it prior to use. For self-bondage make sure you can not only reach the needed keys, but that you can also get the keys into the lock. Have a knife or scissors for cutting straps and rope. Have a grinder for cutting locks, chains, handcuffs, and leg irons. (And if you play with rivets, cutting rivets.) Make sure you can reach the needed keys.
Play safe. Be safe. I believe that if self-bondage is carefully done it is probably as safe as other risky activities such as surfing, skydiving, scuba diving, and flying. These and many other risky activities can be done safely with the proper planning, precautions, and preparation.