Hey guys check out these pictures of LockedSteel:
You can look LockedSteel up on Recon.
Hey guys check out these pictures of LockedSteel:
You can look LockedSteel up on Recon.
Today’s Artwork is by garyRO of Chained Muscle. It is inspired by the Gor novels:
To see more chained men like this, visit Chained Muscle — a site with lots of artwork, stories, videos, and much more!
There is a lot going on in this work. A fit young guy is about to be manhandled into a very severe bondage sack with lots of straps, which also involves some sort of mouth plug. Apparently there are at least two others who have been similarly trussed up, and they are bolted down underfoot, with their necks locked into head stocks of some sort. Something tells me this new prisoner is going to be kept in storage for quite some time along with the others.
And a heavy chain collar and padlock:
When hetero George first arrived at BreederFuckers, he was full of confidence and swagger, bragging he could do anything in order to make as much money as possible. He fancies himself as the supreme ladies’ man. Today he’s put to the ultimate test as he’s put through an S&M session that will be seared on his mind forever. He’s tied and shackled in place so he can’t get away while being pervily groped all over. His shirt is shredded to reveal his manly hairy chest. When the men grab for his cock, he angrily twists away. Dave angrily wrestles him in place and the men aggressively kiss him sliding their wet tongues all over his lips and bristly face.
To see more, go to BreederFuckers