By Mister-X/Spartan
Day 2.
That night, whether it was because I was tired, because the cabin was warmer from the fire, or because I was starting to get used to this, I got a fairly good night’s sleep while standing stretched. When Master Leach awakened me, it was a repeat of the previous morning. I was still hooded, and had not had use of my eyes since arriving. The ring gag was removed, but that penis gag was always in place, except for eating and sucking cock.
This time, after the warming, exercises, food and shower, he had me stand in the room and spoke to me. “I’ve put all the guys I’ve had here in chains and kept in a prison cell I’ve got down below. They’ve all had that fantasy and looked forward to it. That will be today’s program.” Like he’d said about others, I’ve always dreamed of being put in chains and kept in a prison cell, so I was looking forward to it.
He continued. “I’ve got my opinion of how to keep someone very well secured. See how you like it. So far, everyone I’ve done that to has thought that it was too much. I’m hoping, after what you’d told me you wanted, that you’ll be the first to like it. To be fitted, you’ll have to stand at attention.” Not having been in the military, I obeyed as best I could.