My Trip to Paris – Chapter 15

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 15: Congratulations. You Are Here Forever

“Just do what I told you,” 8363 said.  “Do what I did.  It worked for me.  They’ll never throw me out of here.”

That’s what I was thinking about while Officer Yan marched me across the Parade Ground to the Examination Rooms, which were part of the Classroom Building.  It was February; snow was falling; I’d been in prison for almost a year.  I was having my one-year Custodial Review, which would be conducted by an officer in one of the Rooms.  I repeated to myself the answers that 8363 had given me.  Then I repeated them again, until I was sure I’d got them right.  They worked for him; they’d work for me.  There was no difference between us.

My assigned officer was Lieutenant Connors.  In the corridor, I waited in line, cuffed and shackled, behind the five other criminals waiting to see him.  One by one they went in and came out.  A couple were crying.  The rest appeared stoic.  Or indifferent, fated.  But in a situation like that, restraints need to be applied to everyone.  Officers can never predict when a criminal may do something unfortunate.  Then I heard “G023104411!”, and I entered the office.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 15

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 14

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 14: Sewing Your Own Prison

We entered the Pen through the gate.  No more front door and lobby for me.  I was promptly escorted to the Colonel’s residence and locked in the cage in the servants hall.  6839, 1057, and 9555 were buzzing around, preparing for Mr. Patrick’s afternoon snack and casting sidelong glances at me, afraid to ask what had happened.  Afraid, or indifferent.  More glances were cast as 9555 stepped into the role of conveying the snack, and a very long time elapsed until he returned.  I was in the cage, looking out through the bars like an owl in the zoo.

Then, while 1057 heated the stove for the couple’s first course at dinner, the Colonel himself strode in, ordering everyone out of the servants’ area.  They scuttled away, 1057 casting anguished eyes at his stove—puzzled, like all of them, where he was supposed to go.  My prediction was the servants’ john.

“You did a good job today, convict,” the Colonel said, walking up to the cage.

“Thank you, sir.”

“It was a privilege never given to any other convict.”

“Yes sir.  I am grateful for my privileges, sir.”

He was pacing restlessly, but always keeping my face in view.  Every time he passed the cage, I could see his dick growing harder behind his pants.  At first I wasn’t sure.  Then I was.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 14

Kenji is bound and hung

Encho loosens his hemp ropes, preparing them for today’s willing prey. Kenji in fundoshi is nervous to see the coils and knots of hemp curled on the floor below, but excited to be bound and hung for the first time. The rope and its knots little by little limit his hunky body’s ability to move freely. Encho’s rope work works down from Kenji’s arms, around his lean belly then to his legs. One leg hangs in the air and his face shows signs of anguish. The other gets tied up and hung in the air as well. The only thing balancing his body is the hemp ropes suspending his entire body completely off the ground. Encho pulls tighter around Kenji’s neck to control his breathing, enjoying the signs of exquisite agony in Kenji’s face. he finally lowers Kenji’s body, now covered in sweat and rope marks. Freed from fear and suffering, Kenji feels an enjoyable rush of adrenaline coursing through his body.

Kenji is bound and hung

Kenji is bound and hung

Kenji is bound and hung


See the VIDEO at Yoshi Kawasaki XXX

Title: Kinbaku – Dance

Kenji is bound and hung