Category Archives: Story

Slave Punishment System – Part 02

By Scribe

Earlier we published the brochure for Discipline Technologies’ “Slave Punishment System” — a prison cell designed to discipline extremely disobedient slaves. We have since had the opportunity to interview an individual who experienced the inside of the cell. Here is his story.

I enjoy bondage. Most of my experience has been short term bondage in sleepsacks, hoods, straightjackets, and chastity cages. I also like some pain, flogging, and single-tail whipping. But my go-to fantasy has always been long term imprisonment, solitary confinement, and sensory deprivation with guards subjecting me to new torments. That why I immediately got a hard on when I read the brochure describing the Slave Punishment System offered by Discipline Technologies. Here I could live my fantasy for 7 to 30 days in solitary confinement with various tortures inflicted by automated equipment and software.

I contacted the company and found their location was about 1,000 miles away in the warehouse district of a major city. I’m retired, so I have no scheduling difficulties. They had a cell available the next month. I chose the indeterminate sentence option where I agreed to pay for 10 days and give the company the option to extend my incarceration for up to another 20 days.

Continue reading Slave Punishment System – Part 02

Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 04

© 2023 Bostonleatherman

…You are on your own…

You’re glad to have the cigar and start hauling on it a few times to get your nicotine level back up. It’d been a while since you last had a smoke, and this was welcome even if it wasn’t the Red you hoped Garrett would retrieve when he went into your backpack. You can back off on inhaling the cigar for now; you feel the nicotine is starting to relax you a bit and that is what you needed after falling prey to a few of Garrett’s bait and switch ploys. You have to admit, he is a good one when it comes to keeping you on your toes. Always expect the unexpected with him. Your current situation is a perfect example of that. In your mind’s eye you saw things differently. Quite differently – you’d arrive, get settled, get caught up a bit, relax with a drink while you discussed the coming weekend, review the contract you prepared, both sign it, and then the fun begins. Far fucking from it! Fuck you, Garrett.

The closet is getting very smoky. You can’t see it, really, with the light off. But when you take a puff or drag, the burning end glows bright enough for you to see the haze around you. And it’s also getting warm in here. Sweat is starting to run down your temples, around the edge of your jaw and work its way under the thick collar of your straightjacket.

Continue reading Weekend at Garrett’s – Part 04

Echo Grove – Part 09

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundI don’t know how long I was out for. The next thing I was aware of was the door opening and seeing Dr. Stevens enter along with Buck and Colt. The presence of the two brute orderlies confused me, why were they here during the day? My mind was still so scrambled that it didn’t occur to me that I had been out in isolation for the entire day.

Dr. Stevens stared at me, but in place of the friendly look and calm tone he’d had the other day when I met him in his office, he had a stern look on his face, his voice dripping with mocking rebuke as he said “I’m so disappointed Josh. I had thought your treatment to be progressing well, but it seems my fears that your visitor would give you false delusions of leaving Echo Grove were well founded. You know that your father was right to commit you to our care. Silly little boys like you need to be taught control and discipline, to master your urges.”

“You had been doing so well controlling your aggressive lust. But the sensors in your chastity belt show how horny and hard you’ve been for the past couple days. Clearly the thought of being released brought back all your dominant aggressive lust. Such a shame, so much progress lost.”

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 09

Echo Grove – Part 08

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundOnce fully restrained Kyle proceeded to push the chair down the hallway long hallway of the restricted wing towards the exit. Once clear we started heading towards the interview rooms where I had first met with Josh almost two whole days ago. I wondered if Brad had made plans for us to do the swap there, and I got excited thinking about finally being released from Josh’s identity and back to being Liam.

I was wheeled into the room and saw Josh sitting in my visitors outfit just as I had at that first meeting. But unlike that first meeting I was parked and left restrained in the wheelchair instead of sitting restrained on the stool. I looked around the room but was puzzled when I didn’t see Brad anywhere. Kyle asked if ‘Liam’ needed anything and when he said no left the room.

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 08

Echo Grove – Part 07

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundI made a few slow walks back and forth across the room to stretch, though not too much as I was feeling tired from the forced workout in the morning. I realized towards the end that I kept rubbing my chaste metal and leather encased groin with my mitted hands. This whole ordeal, taking Josh’s place in this humiliating strict uniform and being totally controlled, had left me incredibly frustrated and horny. I thought once again how, once this was over, I would surely wank to the memories of this experience many times, satisfying that perverted dark part of me that had long lurked under the surface.

Unfortunately, my lustful daydreams were cut short by another, more pressing urge. I felt the growing need to answer the calls of nature, only this time I had no idea when ‘Josh’ was next scheduled to have those needs taken care of.  I sat down on the bunk trying to ignore it, hoping that Brad would return soon, and I could then hopefully alert him to my distress. But as the minutes seemed to drag on Brad didn’t appear as my urge reached critical levels.

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 07

Echo Grove – Part 06

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundHe must have seen the confusion in my eyes as he asked, “Wondering where Brad is?”

I nodded my head in reply, my numbed voice useless even if I had been allowed to use it. After all the plan had been to let me out of the suit this morning and switch places back with Josh. The bald orderly sneered before replying “Well he’s busy right now, one of the other patients had an episode this morning and Brad had to help restrain and clean him, so you’re stuck with good old Pete this morning.”

I felt some relief that Brad hadn’t abandoned me as Pete led me out of the room into the hallway where there was a strange looking wheelchair waiting. He told me to sit down in it. Once I was seated, he proceeded to secure me into the chair with straps across my chest, lap, and holding my arms and legs in place. As I was pushed down the corridor and then out of the restricted wing, I realized I would have to endure this harsh uniform and pretend to be Josh just a little longer than planned.

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 06

Echo Grove – Part 05

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundAfter Brad left, we sat there in silence for a few minutes, ‘Liam’ holding my stiffly mitted hand in his. As I sat there thinking about how I was already feeling pretty warm and a little sweaty in the heavy leather suit I started to feel another urge too. ‘Liam’ felt me squirm and asked me what was wrong.

With my other mitted hand I indicated towards my waist, and he immediately understood, saying “Ah, you have to go to the bathroom!”. I stiffly nodded my leather encased head in the affirmative.

‘Liam’ rubbed my back saying “Yeah, I guess Brad forgot to clean us out earlier, he usually does it during my bath but with two of us today I guess he forgot. The night orderly will let you go pretty soon before feeding you dinner so try and hold it until then. Trust me, you don’t want to know what happens if you mess your diaper.”

I groaned a little at that news to which ‘Liam’ shushed me reminding me that ‘Josh’ was supposed to stay quiet and not make noise. I nodded my understanding and settled in to resist the discomfort in my bladder and colon until the orderly arrived.

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 05

Echo Grove – Part 04

By Stormbound

gay bondage stories by StormboundI felt my heart jump at his suggestion, me in the suit!? But I quickly calmed my expression and asked Josh how that would be possible. He explained “When Brad comes back to take me to my bath you can come with us. He can give us both a wash and then instead of putting me in the suit he puts it on you. Then you spend the rest of the afternoon wearing it in this cell… err… room with me. Brad always does a final check before his shift change and can switch us back. Then the night shift will take you to the guest suite for the night when visiting hours end. Or you could even choose to stay in my place tonight, let me get a rest and a wank in the guest suite, see me in a more normal state, and have Brad switch us back tomorrow! What do you say?”

I felt my emotions play across my face, excitement, my buries perverted lust, but also fear. Did I really want to break the rules and spend time trapped in that asylum suit? Seeing my hesitation Josh put on a pleading, almost desperate, look saying “Please dude, I think it would really help me, help both of us. We both want the same things, and this is a way to get them. What do you say?”

Continue reading Echo Grove – Part 04