Category Archives: Story

Chastity Cage in Your Mind

By Destin Salvatore

Note: This is the English-language translation of 精神贞操锁 by Destin Salvatore, which appeared yesterday!

Looking back now, the night you had your unexpected encounter with the chastity cage was so ordinary. You were, as usual, browsing the Internet for your favorite “side dishes” to beat the meat. BDSM, leather, latex, you skillfully typed in the keywords on the site and hit the enter key. In the sea of pornography, a stout model suddenly catches your eye. To be precise, it was the ornament on his penis that caught your attention and made the video stand out from the crowd. You clicked into the video curious to find out what this novelty was.

The actor in the video is constantly pleading with another man, covered in black leather, begging to cum. The leather man just keeps molesting him, playing with his nipples, nailing his mouth with his black leather gloved hand, and his rear is constantly being stimulated with an electric anal plug. The camera gave a close-up of this little slave’s cock: the huge glans was squeezed pale inside a transparent shell, and the scrotum was also topped by a ring at the root of the base, which looked bulging as if it could burst at any moment, with the foreskin squeezed out of the small hole used for ventilation on the side of the shell, forming a small purplish red bag, and a small brass lock hanging from the top of the transparent shell, with the lock reading: Master’s property. You quickly figure out the structure – this little brass lock traps the model’s cock firmly in this hard transparent cage!

You can lose the right to cum!

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作者 Destin Salvatore




Continue reading 精神贞操锁

Liam and Isaac: Retribution

“Five.” He whispered, his voice soft, deep, and rich, like caramel. “One for every phone call you missed.”

After a hectic day at Liam’s work, Isaac has brought him home, to face his punishment for missing their lunch date and making him so worried. He teases Liam mercilessly, making sure his boy knows never to worry him like that again.

By Aenyse

“Ohhh.” Liam moaned as Isaac slowly lowered his mouth onto his rock hard cock. Feeling Isaac’s tongue playing around the tip of the sensitive flesh had him rolling his head back and closing his eyes. The warm wetness of his mouth was so inviting, he had to resist the urge to move, like Isaac would expect.

But then, without warning, Isaac pressed a second finger into him, making him moan even louder as he lazily sucked on Liam’s cock. He couldn’t help moving then, pushing his hips up as much as he could, not that it was particularly far. Both his ankles were cuffed to the corners of the bed, spreading his legs apart. With Isaac’s fingers up his arse, he couldn’t move up and down much either. But he could at least roll his hips, so he did, looking down at Isaac as he began to match his motions, moving down as Liam’s hips moved up. He wasn’t taking him all the way, but his light sucking was more than enough for Liam.

Continue reading Liam and Isaac: Retribution

Metal Frame – Part 01

By X363430

It wasn’t a normal meeting. It was one of strict finality. This was one that I chose to do willingly without regard to anything or anyone. I had looked long and hard all over and finally found the one person who had a similar idea to me. One of a slave encased in steel in a perm service position. It took a lot of discussion and measurements to get things ready to go. But I think that in the end, I will be totally happy.

Master was a Master out in Nevada that I had seen online but was quiet and allowed the normal leather queens to do their thing but to overall ignore them. Master was looking for a slave that Master could add to his household that was very extreme. This was no small feat since most slaves are not wanting to cut off ties to the outside world. Many do not fit into the profile. Master had very specific requirements. One, the slave had to be disowned, no family whatsoever; two, most if not all his friends were either into S&M or were supportive of him doing it; and, three, he had to be willing to be put into one position for the rest of his life, never to move again, only to be used for torture and sex.

Continue reading Metal Frame – Part 01

Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 02

By AlphaMetal

As Trey was finishing up his workout in the weight room, he couldn’t keep his mind from thinking about the procedure he would have to endure in a few minutes.

It was the last Friday of the month. Two months earlier he had been fitted with a cock cage to stop him from jacking off every day. Exactly one month later he had been required to show up at the medical office to have the cage removed briefly so he could ejaculate, to “clean out the pipes” he was told. But instead of letting him jack off and be done with it, they had turned it into a humiliating ritual.

As Trey lay on the weight bench, finishing up his last set of dumbbell presses, he couldn’t stop remembering what had happened a month ago. He didn’t want to go through it again, but he knew he didn’t have a choice: As part of the intake at the military school, Trey and a roomful of other new arrivals had been told what happened to students who refused to obey an order — they were given a choice between a very painful visit to the punishment room or being sent to jail to serve whatever sentence they were there to avoid.

Continue reading Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 02

Risk – Part 12

By lthr_jock

Note: This is the final chapter of a multi-part story by lthr_jock. To start at the very beginning, click for Part 1.

Despite Mike’s experience in sleeping in bondage, it took him a while to get to sleep as he was still nervous about what Barry might do. But in the end he dropped off to come sharply awake as an alarm clock blared out in his ear. As he blinked awake, a muscular arm reached over him and turned the alarm off. The arm then draped across Mike’s torso before idly flicking his nipples. “Morning, Mikey. Time to get up. I’ll let you go once I’ve showered.”

Uncaring that he was naked, Barry got up and walked into the adjacent bathroom. Mike could hear the sound of water running as he struggled against the restraints. He looked at the alarm clock – 05:10 – there was still enough time for him to get to work. Barry seemed to be in the shower for ages before appearing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. He then took his time undoing, Mike, leaving the hands and gag for last. “Look I’m sorry, but I have to go to work.” Barry nodded “I understand, Mikey. But one question – did you enjoy yourself?” Mike nodded. “Good. Then I’ll be seeing you again?” Mike paused as he headed for the door. “Yes. Not sure when though.” He looked at the clock again. “Sorry, but I really have to go.” Barry laughed and waved Mike out of the room.

Mike sat in his car and looked at the time. He would just be able to get to work, but didn’t have enough time to go home first – so would have to go to work in his leathers. “Dammit!” He slammed his hands against the steering wheel and as he did so the padlock on his collar bounced off his chest. It reminded him that Frank could help, so he quickly texted him. Seconds later he got a response with a tag for a street close to the station. “Understood. Meet me here.”

Continue reading Risk – Part 12

Risk – Part 11

By lthr_jock

Mike shook his head as he blearily came back to consciousness.   He was lying on his side in a back alley. He could feel the heat of another person close behind him, skin touching and he could feel the urgent push of an erect cock against the small of his back. He flinched away from the touch and rolled over to see a man lying on his side and grinning at him. Even lying down, it was clear he was bigger than Mike – taller and more muscular – and his hair was in a military flat-top. He was naked except for a black speedo, which did nothing to hide the fact that the man was clearly aroused.

“Hey fella, calm down. Looks like we all got dumped here.” The man seemed unconcerned and levered himself to his feet. “We’re the first ones to recover.” He pointed to another four men who were lying in the alley and seemed to be asleep. Mike looked down to find that he was also naked except for a black speedo. He stood up and headed over with the other man to see if the others were alright.

They quickly came round with mixed expressions of confusion and disgust. Mike was still trying to process what had happened – the whole thing had such a dream-like quality that he could almost convince himself that it had never happened. The man that had been spooning Mike walked up to him and offered him his hand. “I’m Barry. Barry Andrews.” Mike replied “I’m Mikey” and nervously shook it. As he did Barry pulled him in for a hug and as he did whispered in his ear, “Don’t know how much you were into what happened, Mikey, but I thought you looked amazing in that rubber.” Mike started to ask how Barry knew which one was him and then realised that his skin still had fragments of the liquid latex on it.

Continue reading Risk – Part 11

Three Slaves – Part 07

By Practicerestraint

Chris led 502 out the door, down the hall, and around a corner.  Stopping in front of a double-wide door, he unclipped 502’s wrist restraints.

“Stretch a bit.  You may be here for a while.”

After he had loosened up the muscles in his arms and shoulders, 502 put his hands behind his back and Chris secured the restraints.  He then opened one of the doors and pulled on 502’s leash.  The slave stepped in, quickly stopped in his tracks, and repressed an unpleasant wave of déjà vu.

Looking around, 502 saw a medical facility that reminded him of his earlier experience.  He focused on a medical examination table with leather restraints attached.  Beyond that, he saw a hospital bed with similar restraints and stirrups; next to it, another hospital bed with Segufix restraints.  This bed was occupied, with a slave tightly secured.

“The patrons will be worked up after the milking, and 317 here may be providing them with entertainment.”

Continue reading Three Slaves – Part 07