Boot Lust
Click for Boot Lust
A hogtied man is good …
Smith and Wesson handcuffs
Chuck in chains
SoldierGermany dedicates his long-term chastity to me
‘Encased’ by Mortice Deadlock
Metalbond would like to welcome Mortice Deadlock to the Prison Library. His story, “Encased,” is available here on Metalbond, with his permission.
To read it, go to the Prison Library (newest stories section).
For more information about Mortice, visit his website,
Chapter 1
I had been planning this experience for several weeks, and if it was half as horny as the planning, it would be an incredible time.
I had been wearing my chastity belt for the last week, constantly horny about what was going to happen, but helpless to do anything about it. The belt was tight around my waist and had a secure shield over my cock, preventing any stimulation. I had occasionally been using the secure butt plug fitting of the belt, going out for the day with the large plug locked in and the keys at home, in training for my experience.