Hi Metalbond,
My name is Mark from Sydney, Australia. I have really enjoyed your site over the years, so firstly just wanted to say I appreciate the effort you put in to it. I am still exploring bondage at the moment, but my experience is that I am never tied up long enough.
The real reason for writing, however, is that I was wondering what has happened to Jockstrap? I am fascinated by long-term and constant bondage, and was interested in an update.
Thanks again,
Hey Mark,
Funny you should ask about Jockstrap. That’s the guy (pictured) who was locked up in weight belts and kept under constant house arrest by his personal trainer. Yeah, that guy was in deep, indeed! Severe, long-term strict bondage with lots of padlocks. The good news is that he and I have been in contact in recent weeks. He tells me that he did get a short break from the constant lockup — due to some work commitments outside his home — but that he is now back under the strict control of his personal trainer. He sent me some videos that I had to promise not to show to anyone. And he also sent me a few new pictures, which he said I could post here on Metalbond. But they need to be Photoshopped, and I am in the process of editing them. So keep checking back here to the Metalbond site, and you will see more from Jockstrap very soon.
Hey Metal,
I lost the story of the welded collar long ago. Mostly it was just food for the welded collar/chained to the wall/drain in the floor, type of story. The chain never came off, but sometimes the character slept in the same bed, but most times, in the basement chained to the wall.
Metal responds,
I think you are referring to the story The Collar by Lars, which was originally published in Drummer magazine. If you like that one you might also want to read Boot Slave.
Greetings SIR,
i love YOUR site and was wondering if YOU play at all? i will be in NYC this wednesday.
Hi CJ,
You can always try me on Recon under screen name MetalbondNYC.
Dear Metal,
Quick question. Now that I own a place, I want to get a cage. The best one I’ve found thus far is the Puppy Cage that Fetters makes. Do you happen to have any recommendations of other vendors I should check out?
Metal responds,
My cage was built by Redneck Mark, and I can’t say enough good things about him. You can read more about how my cage was made by clicking here.
Dear Metal,
I posted a comment but it didn’t appear.
Metal responds,
Due to the large volume of comments left on this site by spammers (several hundred spam comments a day), I have to moderate them and sometimes I might accidentally delete a real comment. If that is what happened, I’m sorry. Either that, or your comment was obnoxious, in which case I would have deleted it.
Dear Metal,
Since you’ve done several posts about the subject, any chance you might be interested in posting some sort of primer of gay BDSM-related places on Second Life?
—Via the Internet
Metal responds,

Running the Metalbond site takes up so much of my time now that I don’t have the time to go into Second Life anymore. This image is from the facilities of Dirk Praga of blessed memory (one of his prisoners is pictured in Dirk’s playroom). There was also the infamous Ghul prison, where prisoners could be locked up for many long months, and get physically and sexually abused by Jeb Nicholls and other guards.
Dear Metal,
About a month or two ago, I stumbled upon a story entitled “Stud Farm.” It depicts life in a Maximum Security Prison Farm as told by one of the inmates. Life is minutely regulated by the guards; the prisoners spend all their time sleeping, eating, working, being milked and polishing their boots (the only item they are allowed to wear). I’ve combed your site — I thought that was the source of the story — with no luck. Can you point me in the right direction?
Hey Phil,
Sounds like that is something that Catdude would have written. But I can’t find the exact title you mention at the moment.