These images are from the vast library of material available from Bob Wingate, editor and publisher of the great Bound And Gagged magazine:

I remember when I first started getting Bound and Gagged magazine in the mail. It was digest-sized and arrived every other month in a plain brown envelope. Getting a new issue was an EVENT for me. This was before the Internet. I was living in Texas at the time, and I would read each issue, cover to cover, including all the personal ads. It was very exciting.

Eventually the magazine got full sized, and then they later added color pictures.

One of the many things I remember reading about on the pages of Bound And Gagged magazine was that there was a CLUB in New York City where you could go and get tied up! Fucking hot! So, when I moved to New York in 1992, I went to the New York Bondage Club as soon as I could, and guess who I met there? Bound And Gagged photographer James Bond, accompanied by Bound And Gagged editor Bob Wingate!!!
The two of them stripped me naked, blindfolded me and tied me down to a floating bondage table, where I was jerked off for the next three hours by lots of different, anonymous men! What an initiation.
I had lunch last week with Bob, and I told him this story. He of course does not remember this meeting, but for me it was a huge event at the time.
Through the Bound And Gagged personal ads I later met Alan, and we hit it off famously and remain friends to this day.
Thank heavens for Bound And Gagged!
Bob tells me that the Bound And Gagged crew will be taking a booth at this year’s IML event in Chicago, so watch for him there. You can also see more of the Bound And Gagged archives, including stories and tons and tons of pictures, at Bob Wingate’s Blog. You can also purchase back issues (hard copies) of the magazine by clicking here. Get them while they still last, as these back issues are quickly becoming rare collectors items.