Tag Archives: bondage jackoff fantasy

Video: Logan gets bolted to the wall

Logan gets bolted to the wall at Dream Boy Bondage wearing a super-sexy outfit – skintight jeans, black T-shirt and a Lycra hood.


He is about to get a lot more than a scolding from sadistic stud Jared. First step: Ripping off his shirt and cropping his pink nipples. Logan’s screams are like angels singing in gay BDSM heaven.

Dream_Boy_Bondage_02 Dream_Boy_Bondage_03

Here is a free video preview:


Title of this video: Logan: Twink Torture – Chapter 1

See this series of videos at Dream Boy Bondage


The Prison Writer – Chapter 04

By Joshua Ryan

Jerry’s new boyfriend was giving him a birthday party — arranged by Jerry, of course.  There’s no point in describing it; it was just a big gay gathering with the ordinary number of lushes and phonies and nice guys, none of them interested in me.  Dean and Craig were part of the crowd standing around the quesadillas.  The usual drinks, the usual food, the usual conversation, the usual question from Jerry: “How’s the next book comin?”


“Gimme a date!  Publisher wants more of you.”

“I’m sure.  But I’ve paid for your BMW, and I’ve paid for your pool, so I’m doing this one at my own pace.”

“Come on!  It’s April!  I wanta fill the pool.”

“Whatever that means … As you know, my last book’s in the third printing…”

“Which means it’s about time to give em a new one.  Look…”

A 30-something in shorts that were far too tight for him wandered over, and I had the pleasure of meeting “Rory,” the latest BF.  That was that, but after a while Dean detached himself from Craig and the others who were grouped around him and strode in my direction.  He was the only person I knew who actually looked good in a Hawaiian shirt.

“Pushing the season?” I asked.

“Yeah, I know it’s early.  Follow me.  I told Craig you’d like a look at my car.”

Continue reading The Prison Writer – Chapter 04