Tag Archives: Book Club

Houdini in chains

Blog reader Steve sent this … it’s an image by Kumar Singh of Harry Houdini on the cover of a book:


Of course, I prefer chains that are totally ESCAPE-PROOF … especially when they are restraining hot muscular escape artists. Yes I mean YOU David Blaine … send me an email sometime … because I KNOW you read Metalbond and I know you want to be locked in my cage!

Thanks Steve for sending the cover art of the book. He says “the artwork inside shows pretty mundane handcuffs, although lots of them.”

Mark Goes To Jail

I asked Morgan if I could post his very hot first-person story “Mark Goes To Jail” here on Metalbond, but he said no, and fuck me very much for even requesting such a thing. Instead he wants you wankers to buy his book, which contains the story and other tales of his adventures, on Amazon or get it on kindle.


Or … if you happen to have issue 40 of Checkmate (the “Prison Issue”) like I do, you can read it there.
