Tag Archives: Bound Jocks

Bound Jocks

British jock Paddy O’Brian is too good looking for his own good. He wakes up to find himself stretched out on a metal table with his hands tied above his head and ankles tied to the other end.

British jock Paddy O’Brian is too good looking for his own good

Paddy helplessly squirms around trying to get free but all he can do is flex his muscles throughout his body as the camera captures ever-bulging angle. He works up quite a sweat and quite a raging hard-on while doing this. Does he ever break free to give his throbbing cock some much-needed attention? Find out for yourself at Bound Jocks!

The Fake Slave Boy Project – Part 02

By StyleMe

Chapter 2: Strange situation

I woke up in total darkness. I was just lying there on a bench that was fixed to the wall, slowly remembering what had happened. I started to panic. I immediately remembered some fetish stories where guys were kidnapped and tortured. I could move my arms. Everything seemed all right. I calmed down and was sure all those stories were fiction.

My movements must have triggered the lights in the room. Suddenly the whole room was lit. I looked around. A strange small room, like a cell. The walls were covered with black rubber. On each wall was a large monitor with a black monitor screen. There was an open door which led into darkness beyond.

I slowly realized my own situation. My mouth felt filled with something solid that tasted like rubber. Something felt strange on my skin, too. I wanted to touch my skin, but I had to learn that I couldn’t open my fists. There were black leather fist mitts on my hands. I could see two small locks fixing the mitts’ buckles. Now I knew that I was trapped. I tried not to panic. When I looked down, I saw that my whole body was fully encased in a tight black leather suit. My head was also covered with a tight hood that smelled like leather. I jumped on my feet but lost my balance and fell to the floor.

Continue reading The Fake Slave Boy Project – Part 02

10 Days in Detention – Part 10

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

“Stay put,” Dan said. “Remain on your knees with your hands behind your back.”

With those instructions I stayed where I was kneeling in the dungeon. I could hear Dan behind me moving around. When he came back to me he once again threw the transport hood over me and plunged me into darkness.

More sounds came from around me over the next few minutes. I could hear a door open here and there and movement of heavy items yet I had no idea what Dan was preparing for my punishment.

Eventually he returned to me placing leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles. He ordered me to stand up and guided me through the dungeon. My feet felt the cold concrete of what I thought was the cell since it was the only space so far I had been in that was not gym flooring under my feet.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 10